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[GTK] `webkit_web_extension_send_message_to_context` et al. abusing async semantics
[GTK] `webkit_web_extension_send_message_to_context` et al. abusing async sem...
Michael Gratton
2020-08-26 23:11:15 PDT
The docs for the calls `webkit_web_extension_send_message_to_context` and `webkit_web_view_send_message_to_page` state:
> If you don't expect any reply, or you simply want to ignore it, you can pass NULL as callback.
This is probably convenient for people programming in C, but for people programming using vala or language bindings that provide high-level constructs to handle async calls, this is impossible to do. In these cases WebKitGTK will either always emit a "Message foo was not handled" warning, or to silence the warning must always send a response back, even when not required, increasing latency. Can the warning be removed, or a proper flag introduced, or something?
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Michael Gratton
Comment 1
2020-08-26 23:54:18 PDT
Also `webkit_web_page_send_message_to_view`.
Carlos Garcia Campos
Comment 2
2020-08-27 04:05:57 PDT
hmm, I think we need to add send_with_no_reply for bindings then.
Michael Gratton
Comment 3
2020-08-27 05:12:27 PDT
That would work, but it would also be convenient to be able to specify either/or with a bool or a flag or something. `send_full` maybe?
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