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Safari on iOS fires "pointerenter" with mouse pointerType in addition to touch
Safari on iOS fires "pointerenter" with mouse pointerType in addition to touch
Devon Govett
2020-07-21 11:55:19 PDT
When you have an element with a `tabIndex`, Safari on iOS fires the "pointer enter" and "pointerleave" events twice: once with `pointerType` set to "touch", and again with `pointerType` set to "mouse". After touching and releasing the element, the events fired are: * pointer enter: pointerType = "touch" * pointer leave: pointerType = "touch" * pointer enter: pointerType = "mouse" A pointer leave event with pointerType = "mouse" is not fired until the element is blurred (e.g. by tapping on something else that's focusable). Based on this information, it appears that focus/blur events are also causing pointer enter/pointer leave events. You can try this out in a demo here:
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Radar WebKit Bug Importer
Comment 1
2020-07-21 13:28:24 PDT
Wenson Hsieh
Comment 2
2020-07-21 14:30:06 PDT
> * pointer enter: pointerType = "touch" > * pointer leave: pointerType = "touch" > * pointer enter: pointerType = "mouse"
These seem like events that would be fired when dispatching synthetic click events, which should be fixed in the iOS 14 beta.
Ahmad Saleem
Comment 3
2022-09-03 14:01:21 PDT
I am unable to reproduce this bug using iOS 15.6.1 on iPhone 13 Pro Max and it does not show ‘mouse’ with positionenter in the demo from
Comment 0
. @Devon - if it is reproducible, appreciate if you can share updated testcase. Thanks!
Devon Govett
Comment 4
2022-09-06 15:53:34 PDT
I can confirm that it appears to be fixed in the latest iOS version.
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