Add shiftLeft property compatibility
Summary Add shiftLeft property compatibility
David Ford
Reported 2008-10-03 12:24:10 PDT
We at CNS Vital Signs would like to request that the shiftLeft property for the keydown and keyup events be implemented in the Safari web browser, WebKit. CNS Vital Signs has developed software that presents a series of computerized neurocognitive tests that are designed to be used as a routine part of a clinical practice, as a research instrument, and in schools or workplaces where health and safety are an issue. The CNS Vital Signs test battery offers 54 languages and has been utilized as a research tool in over 35 countries world wide. The tests run on a PC and are designed to collect responses from patients and calculate performance scores based on the accuracy and timing of the response. The original program was a stand-alone application that is downloaded and installed on the PC. We have recently released a web version of the same program. One of the tests originally written makes use of the right and left shift keys. Patients are asked to press the left shift key or the right shift key to respond to a presented rule. Currently, only Internet Explorer has implemented the shiftLeft property for the keydown and keyup events. Our pharmacutical customers require the web version of our test be identical in nature to the local version, so we have had to restrict all web deployments to support Internet Explorer only. We have programmed the web application to use the right and left arrow keys for other browsers but we have had to restrict it's use to clinical practice use. Thanks for considering our request. David J. Ford VP Quality Assurance CNS Vital Signs, LLC
Ahmad Saleem
Comment 1 2022-08-13 14:32:53 PDT
I don't know about Webkit on Windows but here is what I have on macOS: Test case - ^Unless if it is not right, please ignore and please share updated test case. *** STEPS TO REPRODUCE *** 1) Open Test case 2) Click "Left-Shift" 3) Press "Arrow Up" once 4) Press "Arrow Down" once and then release Shift key *** Safari Technology Preview 151 *** "Down: ShiftLeft" "Down: ArrowUp" "Up: ArrowUp" "Down: ArrowDown" "Up: ArrowDown" "Up: ShiftLeft" *** Chrome Canary 106 *** "Down: ShiftLeft" "Down: ArrowUp" "Up: ArrowUp" "Down: ArrowDown" "Up: ArrowDown" "Up: ShiftLeft" *** Firefox Nightly 105 *** "Down: ShiftLeft" "Down: ArrowUp" "Up: ArrowUp" "Down: ArrowDown" "Up: ArrowDown" "Up: ShiftLeft" _____________ - Is something needed here or can we ask someone to test it on Windows? Thanks!
Alexey Proskuryakov
Comment 2 2022-08-20 16:59:15 PDT
The `shiftLeft` property was only ever supported by Internet Explorer. It sounds like the use case here was was to do something when either Shift key was pressed alone, not in a key combo. This can be done in the way Ahmad demonstrated above.
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