Text encoding can't be changed manually
Summary Text encoding can't be changed manually
Konstantin Vyatkin
Reported 2008-09-29 01:06:05 PDT
When loading Google Reader from Russia (Google autodetects and sends russia interface text) WebKit (as well as Safari) doesn't detect UTF-8 encoding and, moreover (in contrast with current Safari build), doesn't switch to UTF-8 when such encoding are selected manually from Text Encoding menu.
Alexey Proskuryakov
Comment 1 2008-09-29 02:43:25 PDT
This works for me: 1) Go to (I did get Russian interface). 2) Log in. 3) Add a subscription (I used feed:// for a test). All Google Reader text and blog entries were displayed correctly. Please clarify what is different in your setup (maybe attach a screenshot?). Also, please ensure that you don't use any "Safari enhancers" such as Inquisitor, Saft etc.
Karl Dubost
Comment 2 2023-01-22 20:05:02 PST doesn't exist anymore.
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