NEW 210009
window.innerHeight is broken in WKWebView with viewport-fit=cover
Summary window.innerHeight is broken in WKWebView with viewport-fit=cover
Reported 2020-04-04 13:01:53 PDT
When `viewport-fit=cover` is used in Cordova with the WKWebView plugin, `window.innerHeight` reports a wrong value. Instead of reporting the proper window height, it reports the window height MINUS the safe areas insets. Even a minimalistic snippet will demonstrate the issue: The issue happens only if the content of the page is smaller in height than the window height. Exemple: if my iPhone window is 812px high, and the "natural height" of my page is 500, `window.innerHeight` returns 734 (= 812 - 44 top safe area inset - 34 bottom safe area inset). If my page content is 750px high, `window.innerHeight` returns 750, and if my page content overflows the window, `window.innerHeight` returns 812. Additional notes: - The `window.innerHeight` value is not longer false after a rotation of the screen - The bug does not happen in Chrome, Safari, UIWebView, Ionic WKWebView, Capacitor - It was previously brought to the Cordova team, who suggested to report it here: Thanks
Comment 1 2020-04-04 13:05:30 PDT
Tested on iPhone XS, iOS 13.4, Xcode 11.4, cordova-ios 5.1.1, cordova-plugin-wkwebview-engine 1.2.1
Radar WebKit Bug Importer
Comment 2 2020-04-06 22:55:17 PDT
Comment 3 2022-03-16 08:39:44 PDT
This also affects standalone web apps, see
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