### Overview > The hint text for the aria-describedby on the input type="checkbox" supersedes the hint text for the aria-describedby on the fieldset. So the user only gets one hint read to them when they jump to the input through the tab index – the one on the input, rather than the legend. 1. Navigate to https://output.jsbin.com/juyaquq 2. Tab to first input #### Minimal test case ```html <fieldset aria-describedby="confirm-nationality-hint"> <legend> What is your nationality? </legend> <span id="confirm-nationality-hint"> Select all options that are relevant to you. </span> <br> <input id="confirm-nationality" name="confirm-nationality" type="checkbox" value="british-nationality" aria-describedby="confirm-nationality-item-hint"> <label for="confirm-nationality">British</label> <span id="confirm-nationality-item-hint" class="govuk-hint govuk-checkboxes__hint"> including English, Scottish, Welsh and Northern Irish </span> <br> <input name="confirm-nationality" type="checkbox" value="irish-nationality" aria-describedby="confirm-nationality-2-item-hint"> <label class="govuk-label govuk-checkboxes__label" for="confirm-nationality-2">Irish</label> <span id="confirm-nationality-2-item-hint" class="govuk-hint govuk-checkboxes__hint"> including from Northern Ireland </span> <br> <input id="confirm-nationality-3" name="confirm-nationality" type="checkbox" value="other-country-nationality" data-aria-controls="conditional-confirm-nationality-3"> <label for="confirm-nationality-3">Citizen of a different country</label> </fieldset> ``` JSBIN: https://output.jsbin.com/juyaquq NVDA Version: 2019.2.1 Chrome version: 79.0.3945.130 Firefox version: 72.0.2 ### Expected result The legend is announced, followed by the legend hint, then the input and finally the input hint. ### Actual result The legend is announced, then the input and finally the input hint.
Note the comments about NVDA, Chrome and Firefox can be ignored, this is also a problem there as VoiceOver.