Flaky behaviour when creating a WebDriver session for iOS simulator
Summary Flaky behaviour when creating a WebDriver session for iOS simulator
Reported 2019-12-20 17:03:13 PST
## The problem - In most cases, unable to create a webdriver session when using iOS simulators. ## Expected response - I expect to get a response like the following. ``` { "value": { "sessionId": "8E8AF3C3-B74B-4AF9-9020-20F3FC6D042B", "capabilities": { "safari:deviceName": "iPhone 11 Pro Max", "safari:platformVersion": "13.2.2", "safari:automaticInspection": false, "webkit:WebRTC": { "DisableICECandidateFiltering": false, "DisableInsecureMediaCapture": false }, "browserVersion": "13.0.3", "safari:deviceType": "iPhone", "strictFileInteractability": false, "browserName": "Safari", "safari:useSimulator": true, "safari:platformBuildVersion": "17B102", "setWindowRect": false, "acceptInsecureCerts": false, "safari:deviceUDID": "75AB2524-160C-4010-8EB0-C676B386363E", "safari:automaticProfiling": false, "platformName": "iOS", "safari:diagnose": false } } } ``` ## Actual response ``` { "value": { "error": "session not created", "message": "Could not create a session: Unable to find the RWISimulator associated with the booted simulator: 'iOS 13.2 (17B102) - iPhone 11 Pro Max' (75AB2524-160C-4010-8EB0-C676B386363E)", "stacktrace": "" } } ``` ## Steps to reproduce 0. Quit your Simulator.app in advance. 1. Launch safaridriver /Applications/Safari\ Technology\ Preview.app/Contents/MacOS/safaridriver --port 4444 2. curl by another terminal ``` curl -X POST \ http://localhost:4444/session \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -d '{ "capabilities": { "alwaysMatch": { "platformName": "ios", "browserName": "safari", "safari:useSimulator": true } } }' ``` ## Environment - iOS version: iOS13.1 - 13.3 (Sorry, I couldn't control it) - host machine version: 10.14.6 - safaridriver version: Included with Safari Technology Preview (Release 97, 14609.1.11.4) ## Note - There is some tendency as the following. 1. After launching a simulator by building an iphone app on xcode, it will be successful to create a webdriver session in most cases. 2. When you launch a simulator by Simulator.app or W3C New Session API, it will fail to create a webdriver session in most cases.
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