(r252889) webrtc/peerconnection-page-cache.html is crashing on iOS Debug
Summary (r252889) webrtc/peerconnection-page-cache.html is crashing on iOS Debug
Truitt Savell
Reported 2019-12-09 10:03:16 PST
webrtc/peerconnection-page-cache.html This test added in has been crashing on iOS Debug sense introduction History: Crash: No crash log found for stdout: stderr: (used_ids.h:55): Duplicate id found. Reassigning from 102 to 127 (used_ids.h:55): Duplicate id found. Reassigning from 103 to 125 (used_ids.h:55): Duplicate id found. Reassigning from 1 to 14 (used_ids.h:55): Duplicate id found. Reassigning from 3 to 13 (used_ids.h:55): Duplicate id found. Reassigning from 5 to 12 (used_ids.h:55): Duplicate id found. Reassigning from 6 to 11 ( Unsupported size, value ignored. ( Transmitting payload type without picture ID using NACK+ULPFEC is a waste of bandwidth since ULPFEC packets also have to be retransmitted. Disabling ULPFEC. ( Socket::OPT_DSCP not supported. ( Socket::OPT_DSCP not supported. ( Socket::OPT_DSCP not supported. ( Socket::OPT_DSCP not supported. ( VTSessionSetProperty failed to set: DataRateLimits to 1: -12902 ( VTSessionSetProperty failed to set: DataRateLimits to 1: -12902 ( VTSessionSetProperty failed to set: DataRateLimits to 1: -12902 ( VTSessionSetProperty failed to set: DataRateLimits to 1: -12902 ( Received H.264-IDR frame (SPS: 0, PPS: 0). Treating as key frame since WebRTC-SpsPpsIdrIsH264Keyframe is disabled ( Frame with (picture_id:spatial_id) (9349:0) has invalid frame references, dropping frame. ( Frame with (picture_id:spatial_id) (9348:0) has invalid frame references, dropping frame. ( Frame with (picture_id:spatial_id) (9347:0) has invalid frame references, dropping frame. ( Frame with (picture_id:spatial_id) (9344:0) has invalid frame references, dropping frame. ASSERTION FAILED: index != notFound ./platform/audio/PlatformMediaSessionManager.cpp(282) : void WebCore::PlatformMediaSessionManager::setCurrentSession(WebCore::PlatformMediaSession &) 1 0x79ba98f89 WTFCrash 2 0x7a06a674b WTFCrashWithInfo(int, char const*, char const*, int) 3 0x7a3aa7e1f WebCore::PlatformMediaSessionManager::setCurrentSession(WebCore::PlatformMediaSession&) 4 0x7a3aa793b WebCore::PlatformMediaSessionManager::sessionWillBeginPlayback(WebCore::PlatformMediaSession&) 5 0x7a1ad03d7 WebCore::MediaSessionManagerCocoa::sessionWillBeginPlayback(WebCore::PlatformMediaSession&) 6 0x7a3aa5cb6 WebCore::PlatformMediaSession::clientWillBeginPlayback() 7 0x7a3101a0f WebCore::MediaElementSession::clientWillBeginPlayback() 8 0x7a2ff539e WebCore::HTMLMediaElement::updatePlayState() 9 0x7a3048dcc WebCore::HTMLMediaElement::scheduleUpdatePlayState()::$_31::operator()() const 10 0x7a3048d39 WTF::Detail::CallableWrapper<WebCore::HTMLMediaElement::scheduleUpdatePlayState()::$_31, void>::call() 11 0x7a06ba79a WTF::Function<void ()>::operator()() const 12 0x7a3029436 WebCore::DeferrableTask<WebCore::Timer>::scheduleTask(WTF::Function<void ()>&&)::'lambda'()::operator()() const 13 0x7a3029289 WTF::Detail::CallableWrapper<WebCore::DeferrableTask<WebCore::Timer>::scheduleTask(WTF::Function<void ()>&&)::'lambda'(), void>::call() 14 0x7a06ba79a WTF::Function<void ()>::operator()() const 15 0x7a3a1fade WebCore::TaskDispatcher<WebCore::Timer>::dispatchOneTask() 16 0x7a3a1f790 WebCore::TaskDispatcher<WebCore::Timer>::sharedTimerFired() 17 0x7a3a253e1 WebCore::TaskDispatcher<WebCore::Timer>::sharedTimer()::$_1::operator()() const 18 0x7a3a253a9 WTF::Detail::CallableWrapper<WebCore::TaskDispatcher<WebCore::Timer>::sharedTimer()::$_1, void>::call() 19 0x7a06ba79a WTF::Function<void ()>::operator()() const 20 0x7a0772379 WebCore::Timer::fired() 21 0x7a3a67e2a WebCore::ThreadTimers::sharedTimerFiredInternal() 22 0x7a3a733a1 WebCore::ThreadTimers::setSharedTimer(WebCore::SharedTimer*)::$_0::operator()() const 23 0x7a3a73359 WTF::Detail::CallableWrapper<WebCore::ThreadTimers::setSharedTimer(WebCore::SharedTimer*)::$_0, void>::call() 24 0x7a06ba79a WTF::Function<void ()>::operator()() const 25 0x7a3a36c87 WebCore::MainThreadSharedTimer::fired() 26 0x7a3ada266 WebCore::timerFired(__CFRunLoopTimer*, void*) 27 0x7fff23b0d994 __CFRUNLOOP_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_A_TIMER_CALLBACK_FUNCTION__ 28 0x7fff23b0d682 __CFRunLoopDoTimer 29 0x7fff23b0ccda __CFRunLoopDoTimers 30 0x7fff23b07a4e __CFRunLoopRun 31 0x7fff23b06e66 CFRunLoopRunSpecific
Patch (8.63 KB, patch)
2019-12-10 23:18 PST, youenn fablet
no flags
Radar WebKit Bug Importer
Comment 1 2019-12-09 10:05:00 PST
Truitt Savell
Comment 2 2019-12-09 10:37:43 PST
Skipping test while it is being investigated
youenn fablet
Comment 3 2019-12-10 23:18:04 PST
WebKit Commit Bot
Comment 4 2019-12-11 09:39:21 PST
Comment on attachment 385358 [details] Patch Clearing flags on attachment: 385358 Committed r253375: <>
WebKit Commit Bot
Comment 5 2019-12-11 09:39:23 PST
All reviewed patches have been landed. Closing bug.
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