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DOM attribute editing should be triggered on double-click (not single click)
DOM attribute editing should be triggered on double-click (not single click)
Timothy Hatcher
2008-08-04 17:22:11 PDT
Currently DOM attribute editing is triggered with a single click after the element is selected. Many times I have entered editing mode on accident and find it annoying. We should make it happen on double-click like the style editing.
Proposed patch
(10.68 KB, patch)
2008-08-05 08:21 PDT
Timothy Hatcher
: review+
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Adam Roben (:aroben)
Comment 1
2008-08-04 18:49:42 PDT
(In reply to
comment #0
> We should make it happen on double-click like the style editing.
Double-clicking already has a meaning in the DOM tree: it re-roots the tree on the element you double-clicked. We've also gotten complaints that double-click-to-edit in the Styles pane is hard to discover compared to Firebug's single-click-to-edit. So I'm not sure that making this change would be a definite win. See
bug 17224
for more discussion about single- vs. double-click.
Timothy Hatcher
Comment 2
2008-08-05 08:21:20 PDT
attachment 22654
Proposed patch
Timothy Hatcher
Comment 3
2008-08-05 08:27:48 PDT
(In reply to
comment #1
> (In reply to
comment #0
) > > We should make it happen on double-click like the style editing. > > Double-clicking already has a meaning in the DOM tree: it re-roots the tree on > the element you double-clicked. We've also gotten complaints that > double-click-to-edit in the Styles pane is hard to discover compared to > Firebug's single-click-to-edit. So I'm not sure that making this change would > be a definite win. > > See
bug 17224
for more discussion about single- vs. double-click.
We are already doing different things for double-click. In TOT, when double-clicking a DOM attribute we stay in the editing mode that was started with the first click. So you already have to double click the empty space or the tag name. I also wasn't the only one to voice concern for the single click to edit behavior in
bug 17224
. Matt Lilek (pewtermoose) also thought it would be annoying. I think this is just one case where we are different than Firebug. I can't really think of any other single-click-to-edit designs.
Adam Roben (:aroben)
Comment 4
2008-08-05 13:47:49 PDT
Comment on
attachment 22654
Proposed patch r=me
Timothy Hatcher
Comment 5
2008-08-05 15:34:26 PDT
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