NEW 202588
[SVG] css translate transform with percentage value not working on <text> element
Summary [SVG] css translate transform with percentage value not working on <text> ele...
Reported 2019-10-04 10:29:31 PDT
I have a simple SVG text element that has a translate CSS transform applied on it. When the any of the translate component tx or ty (translate(tx, ty)) is in percentage that percentage value is completely ignored.From the below example you can see that percentage translation works on other svg elements correctly. Test Case => Tested with latest webkit build 250718.
html with inline svg having a percentage translated <text> element (434 bytes, text/html)
2019-11-01 12:15 PDT, Aswin
no flags
Comment 1 2019-10-04 10:35:31 PDT
The issue was also seen on when tested on iPad safari
Comment 2 2019-11-01 12:15:48 PDT
Created attachment 382610 [details] html with inline svg having a percentage translated <text> element
Comment 3 2019-11-01 12:17:51 PDT
Apologies for not including the test case reduction while filing.Just getting the hang of it:).Have attached the reduced test case
Radar WebKit Bug Importer
Comment 4 2022-07-01 13:29:36 PDT
Brent Fulgham
Comment 5 2022-07-01 13:29:47 PDT
Confirmed this is still present in iOS 16 Beta/macOS Ventura Beta.
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