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Aside/sidebar missing on jabcreations.com with both float and flex layouts in landscape mode
Aside/sidebar missing on jabcreations.com with both float and flex layouts in...
John A. Bilicki III
2019-09-24 14:34:58 PDT
attachment 379496
Screenshot from iPhone 6S 12.4 / Safari 12.1.2 in landscape mode. On my iPhone 6S 12.4 / Safari 12.1.2 the sidebar for www.jabcreations.com is missing in landscape mode. I initially had the system using floats and then updated to using flex. All other browsers in desktop and mobile devices / browsers work perfectly fine. Additionally after hooking up the iPhone to the Mac and using remote Inspector I found that the rendering of display was set to none however the arrow link to show where the code was does not actually show display: none. In fact I raw-copied all of the CSS and could not find #side {display: none;} The layout works find in portrait mode. The site toggles the content/sidebar just fine in portrait mode. I tested the CSS media queries and they do not seem to effect the website in landscape mode. I have also tried setting overflow: hidden; and adjusted the total width of each child (<main id="liquid"> and <aside id="side">) to total much less than 100% and they do not appear side-by-side. The only way I could get the sidebar to display was to use an explicit display: block !important;. So either Safari is incorrectly rendering, not showing the correct reference for the display property or both.
Screenshot from iPhone 6S 12.4 / Safari 12.1.2 in landscape mode.
(46.60 KB, image/png)
2019-09-24 14:34 PDT
John A. Bilicki III
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Comment 1
2019-09-25 15:26:28 PDT
John A. Bilicki III
Comment 2
2019-09-26 09:43:21 PDT
My apologies, this bug is invalid - the is_mobile() script on the platform is currently not compensating for the browser zoom level. It's been confirmed with the relevant scripts disabled.
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