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IndexedDB: update size of database when database operation is completed
IndexedDB: update size of database when database operation is completed
Sihui Liu
2019-08-22 16:37:04 PDT
Currently when a database operation is completed and its result gets posted to main thread, we re-compute the disk usage of the origin. This computation lists all databases in the origin directory and read the size of each database file. This is very inefficient because the completed operation should only affect one database.
(21.15 KB, patch)
2019-08-22 17:05 PDT
Sihui Liu
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(22.66 KB, patch)
2019-08-26 12:46 PDT
Sihui Liu
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(26.38 KB, patch)
2019-08-26 17:54 PDT
Sihui Liu
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Archive of layout-test-results from ews210 for win-future
(13.56 MB, application/zip)
2019-08-26 21:13 PDT
EWS Watchlist
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(19.70 KB, patch)
2019-08-27 15:40 PDT
Sihui Liu
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Patch for landing
(19.44 KB, patch)
2019-08-28 11:18 PDT
Sihui Liu
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Patch for landing
(19.46 KB, patch)
2019-08-28 11:19 PDT
Sihui Liu
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Archive of layout-test-results from webkit-cq-01 for mac-highsierra
(3.32 MB, application/zip)
2019-08-28 13:19 PDT
WebKit Commit Bot
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Patch for landing
(19.53 KB, patch)
2019-08-30 09:36 PDT
Sihui Liu
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Sihui Liu
Comment 1
2019-08-22 17:05:39 PDT
attachment 377079
Daniel Bates
Comment 2
2019-08-23 00:41:07 PDT
Comment on
attachment 377079
Patch View in context:
This patch looks sane. All of my comments are optional: code is OK as-is.
> Source/WebCore/Modules/indexeddb/server/IDBServer.cpp:745 > +void IDBServer::QuotaUser::initializeSpaceUsed(HashMap<String, uint64_t> databaseSizes)
I was not expecting databaseSizes to be passed by-value. I was expecting it to either 1. Be passed by rvalue-reference and WTFMove()ed into m_databaseSizes. ^^^ This is the post C++11 way we do things. Caller that still needs to have this data would perform the copy. 2. Be passed by const lvalue reference and copied into m_databaseSizes. ^^^ This is the pre-C++11 way we use to pass things.
> Source/WebCore/Modules/indexeddb/server/IDBServer.cpp:755 > +void IDBServer::QuotaUser::updateSpaceUsed(const String& encodeDatabaseName, uint64_t newSize)
I was not expecting the name encodeDatabaseName because: 1. encode is a verb and the variable reads like an action, but it's not an action. 2. this isn't the same name as the parameter in updateSpaceUsedForDatabase(). 3. caller's caller passes result of SQLiteFileSystem::computeHashForFileName() for first argument, which is a "hash" according to the name of that function.
> Source/WebCore/Modules/indexeddb/server/IDBServer.cpp:767 > +uint64_t IDBServer::QuotaUser::spaceUsed() const > +{ > + uint64_t result = 0; > + for (auto size : m_databaseSizes.values()) > + result += size; > + > + return result + m_estimatedSpaceIncrease; > +}
Theoretically if there is a bug in this code this code could yield an arithmetic overflow. In my opinion, this patch would benefit by adding a remark in the ChangeLog that points out this theoretical possibility, but explains that in all practicality that this is an impossibility. Adding a debug assert(s) to ensure this invariant could also complement this, though this may be excessive given the impossibility.
> Source/WebCore/Modules/indexeddb/server/IDBServer.cpp:792 > +void IDBServer::finishComputingSpaceUsedForOrigin(const ClientOrigin& origin, HashMap<String, uint64_t> databaseSizes)
databaseSizes is a by-value param. This could be a good thing because threads are involved. I did not expect to see a by-value param. This could be because: 1. I have this feeling that passing by rvalue-reference could work out here and ultimately calling through this function transfers ownership of the HashMap into the IDBServer::QuotaUser::m_databaseSizes. 2. If I am wrong about (1) then I would have expected an explanation in the ChangeLog on why pass by-value is used. 3. I expected to see a WTFMove() used in this function to avoid a duplicate HashMap copy.
> Source/WebCore/Modules/indexeddb/server/IDBServer.cpp:794 > + ensureQuotaUser(origin).initializeSpaceUsed(databaseSizes);
The modification of this line is not what I expected to see. I expected to see one of the following: 1. A WTFMove() here. 2. A comment on why there is not a WTFMove() here. 3. An explanation in the ChangeLog why there is not a WTFMove() here.
> Source/WebCore/Modules/indexeddb/server/IDBServer.cpp:814 > +void IDBServer::updateSpaceUsedForDatabase(const ClientOrigin& origin, const String& databaseName, uint64_t databaseSize)
In my opinion, we can squeeze out a little better performance if we pass the database name as a rvalue-reference and WTFMove() it around.
> Source/WebCore/Modules/indexeddb/server/IDBServer.h:174 > + HashMap<String, uint64_t> m_databaseSizes;
Something about this name threw me off. Pluralization made me think this was an array/vector.
> Source/WebCore/Modules/indexeddb/server/SQLiteIDBBackingStore.cpp:848 > +static HashMap<String, uint64_t> databaseSizesForFolder(const String& folder)
FYI, I think I recall that the Apple Style Guide recommends against using "folder" in developer code/documentation and suggests using "directory". If I'm still recalling this correctly, "folder" is suggested in non developer (i.e. regular users) documentation.
> Source/WebCore/Modules/indexeddb/server/SQLiteIDBBackingStore.cpp:851 > + for (auto& databaseDirectory : FileSystem::listDirectory(folder, "*")) {
I expected to see "*"_s here as it is just slightly more efficient.
> Source/WebCore/Modules/indexeddb/server/SQLiteIDBBackingStore.cpp:865 > + String oldVersionOriginDirectory = IDBDatabaseIdentifier::databaseDirectoryRelativeToRoot(topLevelOrigin, openingOrigin, directory, "v0");
databaseDirectoryRelativeToRoot() takes a const char*? If not, adding the _s suffix on the strings would ever so slightly optimize this code. In my opinion, auto could be used here.
> Source/WebCore/Modules/indexeddb/server/SQLiteIDBBackingStore.cpp:868 > + String newVersionOriginDirectory = IDBDatabaseIdentifier::databaseDirectoryRelativeToRoot(topLevelOrigin, openingOrigin, directory, "v1");
> Source/WebCore/Modules/indexeddb/server/SQLiteIDBBackingStore.cpp:869 > + for (auto[encodedDatabaseName, size] : databaseSizesForFolder(newVersionOriginDirectory))
In my opinion I would put a space between auto and [. Otherwise, it looks like an array subscript access.
> Source/WebCore/Modules/indexeddb/server/SQLiteIDBBackingStore.h:97 > + static HashMap<String, uint64_t> databaseSizesForOrigin(const SecurityOriginData&, const SecurityOriginData&, const String&);
In my opinion, this code would be clearer if there were names for the first and second argument because they have the same type. In my opinion this patch would benefit by defining a type alias for HashMap<String, uint64_t> because: 1. It’s kinda long to type out this type. 2. Less chance for misspelling with a shorter type => less re-compiles => increase developer productivity. 3. The alias’s name could be more succinct/canonical and easier to refer to both in new code and conversations about this code. 4. Allow us to re-define this type later in one central place, reducing the amount of future code changes.
youenn fablet
Comment 3
2019-08-23 06:25:20 PDT
Comment on
attachment 377079
Patch View in context:
> Source/WebCore/ChangeLog:16 > + the size only when completing an operation that may increase disk usage.
It makes sense to me for UniqueIDBDatabase to store its database size. That said, do we really need a map<String, size> in the QuotaUser? It seems (or could be made) somehow partially redundant with m_uniqueIDBDatabaseMap. Would it be possible to initialise the quota user size as we do now, and then have UniqueIDBDatabase know the size before and after an operation so as to compute the operation real cost? Also, is the code working in case a database is deleted?
Sihui Liu
Comment 4
2019-08-26 12:44:16 PDT
Comment on
attachment 377079
Patch View in context:
>> Source/WebCore/ChangeLog:16 >> + the size only when completing an operation that may increase disk usage. > > It makes sense to me for UniqueIDBDatabase to store its database size. > That said, do we really need a map<String, size> in the QuotaUser? It seems (or could be made) somehow partially redundant with m_uniqueIDBDatabaseMap. > Would it be possible to initialise the quota user size as we do now, and then have UniqueIDBDatabase know the size before and after an operation so as to compute the operation real cost? > Also, is the code working in case a database is deleted?
1. It's possible. I did not take that approach in consideration of accuracy. An implementation I thought about was: [1]QuotaUser computes its m_spaceUsed of origin directory during initialization [2]UniqueIDBDatabase is opened and computes its m_databaseSpaceUsed [3]UniqueIDBDatabase finishes operations, re-computes m_databaseSpaceUsed [4]UniqueIDBDatabase reports delta(m_databaseSpaceUsed) to QuotaUser and QuotaUser updates with m_spaceUsed plus the delta The underlying assumption is UniqueIDBDatabase occupies size m_databaseSpaceUsed of m_spaceUsed. In the implementation above, initialization of m_databaseSpaceUsed and m_spaceUsed happens at different time, which could introduce some error. This patch aims to reduce the cost of listing the directory while keeping the old behavior. We may improve the quota computation later. 2. Nice catch. I should add an database size update to deleteBackingStore.
>> Source/WebCore/Modules/indexeddb/server/IDBServer.cpp:745 >> +void IDBServer::QuotaUser::initializeSpaceUsed(HashMap<String, uint64_t> databaseSizes) > > I was not expecting databaseSizes to be passed by-value. I was expecting it to either > > 1. Be passed by rvalue-reference and WTFMove()ed into m_databaseSizes. > ^^^ This is the post C++11 way we do things. Caller that still needs to have this data would perform the copy. > > 2. Be passed by const lvalue reference and copied into m_databaseSizes. > ^^^ This is the pre-C++11 way we use to pass things.
Okay, will use method 1.
>> Source/WebCore/Modules/indexeddb/server/IDBServer.cpp:755 >> +void IDBServer::QuotaUser::updateSpaceUsed(const String& encodeDatabaseName, uint64_t newSize) > > I was not expecting the name encodeDatabaseName because: > > 1. encode is a verb and the variable reads like an action, but it's not an action. > 2. this isn't the same name as the parameter in updateSpaceUsedForDatabase(). > 3. caller's caller passes result of SQLiteFileSystem::computeHashForFileName() for first argument, which is a "hash" according to the name of that function.
Changed to databaseHash, and apply to other places.
>> Source/WebCore/Modules/indexeddb/server/IDBServer.cpp:767 >> +} > > Theoretically if there is a bug in this code this code could yield an arithmetic overflow. In my opinion, this patch would benefit by adding a remark in the ChangeLog that points out this theoretical possibility, but explains that in all practicality that this is an impossibility. Adding a debug assert(s) to ensure this invariant could also complement this, though this may be excessive given the impossibility.
Will add debug asserts.
>> Source/WebCore/Modules/indexeddb/server/IDBServer.cpp:792 >> +void IDBServer::finishComputingSpaceUsedForOrigin(const ClientOrigin& origin, HashMap<String, uint64_t> databaseSizes) > > databaseSizes is a by-value param. This could be a good thing because threads are involved. I did not expect to see a by-value param. This could be because: > > 1. I have this feeling that passing by rvalue-reference could work out here and ultimately calling through this function transfers ownership of the HashMap into the IDBServer::QuotaUser::m_databaseSizes. > 2. If I am wrong about (1) then I would have expected an explanation in the ChangeLog on why pass by-value is used. > 3. I expected to see a WTFMove() used in this function to avoid a duplicate HashMap copy.
rvalue-reference should work as createCrossThreadTask makes isolated copy of parameters.
>> Source/WebCore/Modules/indexeddb/server/IDBServer.cpp:794 >> + ensureQuotaUser(origin).initializeSpaceUsed(databaseSizes); > > The modification of this line is not what I expected to see. I expected to see one of the following: > > 1. A WTFMove() here. > 2. A comment on why there is not a WTFMove() here. > 3. An explanation in the ChangeLog why there is not a WTFMove() here.
Sure, will use 1.
>> Source/WebCore/Modules/indexeddb/server/IDBServer.cpp:814 >> +void IDBServer::updateSpaceUsedForDatabase(const ClientOrigin& origin, const String& databaseName, uint64_t databaseSize) > > In my opinion, we can squeeze out a little better performance if we pass the database name as a rvalue-reference and WTFMove() it around.
>> Source/WebCore/Modules/indexeddb/server/IDBServer.h:174 >> + HashMap<String, uint64_t> m_databaseSizes; > > Something about this name threw me off. Pluralization made me think this was an array/vector.
Will use m_databaseSizeMap.
>> Source/WebCore/Modules/indexeddb/server/SQLiteIDBBackingStore.cpp:848 >> +static HashMap<String, uint64_t> databaseSizesForFolder(const String& folder) > > FYI, I think I recall that the Apple Style Guide recommends against using "folder" in developer code/documentation and suggests using "directory". If I'm still recalling this correctly, "folder" is suggested in non developer (i.e. regular users) documentation.
Will change to "directory" and move this function to IDBServer.
>> Source/WebCore/Modules/indexeddb/server/SQLiteIDBBackingStore.cpp:851 >> + for (auto& databaseDirectory : FileSystem::listDirectory(folder, "*")) { > > I expected to see "*"_s here as it is just slightly more efficient.
>> Source/WebCore/Modules/indexeddb/server/SQLiteIDBBackingStore.cpp:865 >> + String oldVersionOriginDirectory = IDBDatabaseIdentifier::databaseDirectoryRelativeToRoot(topLevelOrigin, openingOrigin, directory, "v0"); > > databaseDirectoryRelativeToRoot() takes a const char*? If not, adding the _s suffix on the strings would ever so slightly optimize this code. > > In my opinion, auto could be used here.
>> Source/WebCore/Modules/indexeddb/server/SQLiteIDBBackingStore.cpp:869 >> + for (auto[encodedDatabaseName, size] : databaseSizesForFolder(newVersionOriginDirectory)) > > In my opinion I would put a space between auto and [. Otherwise, it looks like an array subscript access.
>> Source/WebCore/Modules/indexeddb/server/SQLiteIDBBackingStore.h:97 >> + static HashMap<String, uint64_t> databaseSizesForOrigin(const SecurityOriginData&, const SecurityOriginData&, const String&); > > In my opinion, this code would be clearer if there were names for the first and second argument because they have the same type. > > In my opinion this patch would benefit by defining a type alias for HashMap<String, uint64_t> because: > > 1. It’s kinda long to type out this type. > 2. Less chance for misspelling with a shorter type => less re-compiles => increase developer productivity. > 3. The alias’s name could be more succinct/canonical and easier to refer to both in new code and conversations about this code. > 4. Allow us to re-define this type later in one central place, reducing the amount of future code changes.
Sure would change to DatabaseSizeMap.
Sihui Liu
Comment 5
2019-08-26 12:46:37 PDT
attachment 377261
youenn fablet
Comment 6
2019-08-26 13:20:38 PDT
Comment on
attachment 377261
Patch View in context:
> Source/WebCore/Modules/indexeddb/server/IDBServer.cpp:760 > + m_databaseSizeMap.set(databaseHash, newSize);
WTFMove(databaseHash) or maybe do not pass an r-value to updateSpaceUsed.
> Source/WebCore/Modules/indexeddb/server/IDBServer.cpp:798 > + result.set(databaseDirectoryName, spaceUsed);
result.add and WTFMove(databaseDirectoryName)
> Source/WebCore/Modules/indexeddb/server/IDBServer.cpp:812 > + for (auto[databaseHash, size] : databaseSizeMapForDirectory(newVersionOriginDirectory))
s/auto[/auto [/ s/databaseHash/databaseName/
> Source/WebCore/Modules/indexeddb/server/IDBServer.cpp:813 > + databaseSizeMap.set(databaseHash, databaseSizeMap.get(databaseHash) + size);
WTFMove(databaseHash) The use of set() is somehow weird here. If we have two different files, we should in theory add the file sizes. But since they have the same name, I would think we should remove the v0 version.
> Source/WebCore/Modules/indexeddb/server/IDBServer.cpp:815 > + postDatabaseTaskReply(createCrossThreadTask(*this, &IDBServer::finishComputingSpaceUsedForOrigin, origin, databaseSizeMap));
Since you are cross-thread copying the map, I wonder whether a Vector would not be more efficient, since we would create the map and its hash table only once instead of twice.
> Source/WebCore/Modules/indexeddb/server/UniqueIDBDatabase.cpp:447 > + m_server->updateSpaceUsedForDatabase(m_identifier.origin(), SQLiteFileSystem::computeHashForFileName(m_identifier.databaseName()), m_databaseSize);
It seems not efficient to compute the hash for filename every time we update the database size. Should we store it somewhere?
youenn fablet
Comment 7
2019-08-26 13:21:03 PDT
> The underlying assumption is UniqueIDBDatabase occupies size > m_databaseSpaceUsed of m_spaceUsed. In the implementation above, > initialization of m_databaseSpaceUsed and m_spaceUsed happens at different > time, which could introduce some error.
Are you fearing some kind of attack or some general accuracy issues? I am not sure this is worth the extra complexity.
youenn fablet
Comment 8
2019-08-26 13:25:31 PDT
Comment on
attachment 377261
Patch View in context:
> Source/WebCore/ChangeLog:10 > + because the completed operation should only affect one database.
There are two potential gains here. One is to recompute the size for the mutating operations only. The other one is to recompute only for the modified files. Do we know where are the biggest gains? Recomputing the size of the whole folder has some benefits if SQL is sometime asynchronously updating some files.
Sihui Liu
Comment 9
2019-08-26 16:35:02 PDT
Comment on
attachment 377261
Patch View in context:
>> Source/WebCore/ChangeLog:10 >> + because the completed operation should only affect one database. > > There are two potential gains here. > One is to recompute the size for the mutating operations only. > The other one is to recompute only for the modified files. > Do we know where are the biggest gains? > > Recomputing the size of the whole folder has some benefits if SQL is sometime asynchronously updating some files.
We spent a lot of time listing files in the origin directory and getting stat(size) of all files. Basically the file system operations are slow. If we find SQLite always updates files some time after executing commands and that causes big error in quota computation, we probably want to delay the update of database file size instead of iterating the directory, which is very expensive.
>> Source/WebCore/Modules/indexeddb/server/IDBServer.cpp:760 >> + m_databaseSizeMap.set(databaseHash, newSize); > > WTFMove(databaseHash) or maybe do not pass an r-value to updateSpaceUsed.
>> Source/WebCore/Modules/indexeddb/server/IDBServer.cpp:812 >> + for (auto[databaseHash, size] : databaseSizeMapForDirectory(newVersionOriginDirectory)) > > s/auto[/auto [/ > s/databaseHash/databaseName/
>> Source/WebCore/Modules/indexeddb/server/IDBServer.cpp:813 >> + databaseSizeMap.set(databaseHash, databaseSizeMap.get(databaseHash) + size); > > WTFMove(databaseHash) > > The use of set() is somehow weird here. If we have two different files, we should in theory add the file sizes. > But since they have the same name, I would think we should remove the v0 version.
Yes. Same database should only have files under one version directory, so no need to add the sizes.
>> Source/WebCore/Modules/indexeddb/server/IDBServer.cpp:815 >> + postDatabaseTaskReply(createCrossThreadTask(*this, &IDBServer::finishComputingSpaceUsedForOrigin, origin, databaseSizeMap)); > > Since you are cross-thread copying the map, I wonder whether a Vector would not be more efficient, since we would create the map and its hash table only once instead of twice.
For cross-thread copying, vector should be more efficient, so I will replace the map<key, value> here with vector<pair<key, value>>
>> Source/WebCore/Modules/indexeddb/server/UniqueIDBDatabase.cpp:447 >> + m_server->updateSpaceUsedForDatabase(m_identifier.origin(), SQLiteFileSystem::computeHashForFileName(m_identifier.databaseName()), m_databaseSize); > > It seems not efficient to compute the hash for filename every time we update the database size. > Should we store it somewhere?
Will store it in IDBDatabaseIdentifier.
Sihui Liu
Comment 10
2019-08-26 17:37:25 PDT
(In reply to youenn fablet from
comment #7
> > The underlying assumption is UniqueIDBDatabase occupies size > > m_databaseSpaceUsed of m_spaceUsed. In the implementation above, > > initialization of m_databaseSpaceUsed and m_spaceUsed happens at different > > time, which could introduce some error. > > Are you fearing some kind of attack or some general accuracy issues? > I am not sure this is worth the extra complexity.
No. I mean numerical error. For example: 1) QuotaUser reads directory and initializes m_spaceUsed as 100MB, where the testDB.sqlite3 and its temporary files use 20MB. 2) After we open the database testDB, the file sizes of testDB may change due to some SQLite internal operations (checkpointing/merging temp files, etc. And say the total file size becomes 15MB. 3) Next we perform some add operations on testDB, and say the size increases to 25MB. 4) UniqueIDBDatabase would report +10MB to QuotaUser, and QuotaUser updates its space to 110MB. Also having the database sizes in memory can help decide whether a database already exists when we try to open the database, though this patch does not include this.
Sihui Liu
Comment 11
2019-08-26 17:54:13 PDT
attachment 377302
EWS Watchlist
Comment 12
2019-08-26 17:56:52 PDT
Attachment 377302
did not pass style-queue: ERROR: Source/WebCore/Modules/indexeddb/server/IDBServer.cpp:749: Extra space before [. [whitespace/brackets] [5] ERROR: Source/WebCore/Modules/indexeddb/server/IDBServer.cpp:815: Extra space before [. [whitespace/brackets] [5] Total errors found: 2 in 12 files If any of these errors are false positives, please file a bug against check-webkit-style.
EWS Watchlist
Comment 13
2019-08-26 21:13:19 PDT
Comment on
attachment 377302
Attachment 377302
did not pass win-ews (win): Output:
Number of test failures exceeded the failure limit.
EWS Watchlist
Comment 14
2019-08-26 21:13:21 PDT
attachment 377315
Archive of layout-test-results from ews210 for win-future The attached test failures were seen while running run-webkit-tests on the win-ews. Bot: ews210 Port: win-future Platform: CYGWIN_NT-10.0-17763-3.0.5-338.x86_64-x86_64-64bit
youenn fablet
Comment 15
2019-08-26 23:48:36 PDT
> For example: > 1) QuotaUser reads directory and initializes m_spaceUsed as 100MB, where the > testDB.sqlite3 and its temporary files use 20MB. > 2) After we open the database testDB, the file sizes of testDB may change > due to some SQLite internal operations (checkpointing/merging temp files, > etc. And say the total file size becomes 15MB.
Can we initialize the database size before opening it, say in UniqueIDBDatabase::openBackingStore, before calling getOrEstablishDatabaseInfo? This will trigger the database computation twice, at quota user initialization time and at database opening. This is probably ok. open then becomes a regular operation that will change the space being used. This somehow makes sense since temporary files might be created at that time.
> Also having the database sizes in memory can help decide whether a database > already exists when we try to open the database, though this patch does not > include this.
The potential gain is to not hop to a background thread in some cases?
Sihui Liu
Comment 16
2019-08-27 15:40:37 PDT
attachment 377393
Sihui Liu
Comment 17
2019-08-27 15:42:30 PDT
(In reply to youenn fablet from
comment #15
> > For example: > > 1) QuotaUser reads directory and initializes m_spaceUsed as 100MB, where the > > testDB.sqlite3 and its temporary files use 20MB. > > 2) After we open the database testDB, the file sizes of testDB may change > > due to some SQLite internal operations (checkpointing/merging temp files, > > etc. And say the total file size becomes 15MB. > > Can we initialize the database size before opening it, say in > UniqueIDBDatabase::openBackingStore, before calling > getOrEstablishDatabaseInfo? > This will trigger the database computation twice, at quota user > initialization time and at database opening. > This is probably ok. > > open then becomes a regular operation that will change the space being used. > This somehow makes sense since temporary files might be created at that time. >
Updated the patch as suggested! This should work.
youenn fablet
Comment 18
2019-08-28 00:08:07 PDT
Comment on
attachment 377393
Patch View in context:
> Source/WebCore/Modules/indexeddb/server/IDBServer.cpp:783 > +static uint64_t databasesSizeForDirectory(const String& directory)
I quite liked that SQLLiteIDBBackingStore was solely responsible to know that the extension is sqlite3. Now, we have two different places, IDBServer and SQLiteIDBBackingStore.
> Source/WebCore/Modules/indexeddb/server/MemoryIDBBackingStore.cpp:606 > + return;
return; not needed.
> Source/WebCore/Modules/indexeddb/server/MemoryIDBBackingStore.h:82 > + uint64_t databaseSize() const final;
Could be made private.
> Source/WebCore/Modules/indexeddb/server/MemoryIDBBackingStore.h:89 > + void close();
final and private?
> Source/WebCore/Modules/indexeddb/server/SQLiteIDBBackingStore.cpp:850 > + return SQLiteFileSystem::getDatabaseFileSize(fullDatabasePath());
Add ASSERT(!isMainThread());
> Source/WebCore/Modules/indexeddb/server/SQLiteIDBBackingStore.h:85 > + uint64_t databaseSize() const final;
Could be made private.
> Source/WebCore/Modules/indexeddb/server/SQLiteIDBBackingStore.h:106 > + void close();
final and private?
> Source/WebCore/Modules/indexeddb/server/UniqueIDBDatabase.cpp:354 > + m_reportedDatabaseSize = backingStore->databaseSize();
m_reportedDatabaseSize is not really reported per se. Can we have more precise terms like: m_currentDatabaseSize and m_newDatabaseSize. Or m_databaseSizeBeforeTask and m_databaseSizeAfterTask
> Source/WebCore/Modules/indexeddb/server/UniqueIDBDatabase.cpp:789 > + // QuotaUser should already initiliazes storage usage, which contains the
s/initiliazes/have initialized/
Sihui Liu
Comment 19
2019-08-28 11:18:13 PDT
attachment 377464
Patch for landing
Sihui Liu
Comment 20
2019-08-28 11:19:34 PDT
attachment 377465
Patch for landing
WebKit Commit Bot
Comment 21
2019-08-28 13:19:13 PDT
Comment on
attachment 377465
Patch for landing Rejecting
attachment 377465
from commit-queue. New failing tests: imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/IndexedDB/fire-error-event-exception.html Full output:
WebKit Commit Bot
Comment 22
2019-08-28 13:19:15 PDT
attachment 377471
Archive of layout-test-results from webkit-cq-01 for mac-highsierra The attached test failures were seen while running run-webkit-tests on the commit-queue. Bot: webkit-cq-01 Port: mac-highsierra Platform: Mac OS X 10.13.6
Sihui Liu
Comment 23
2019-08-29 17:42:22 PDT
(In reply to WebKit Commit Bot from
comment #22
> Created
attachment 377471
> Archive of layout-test-results from webkit-cq-01 for mac-highsierra > > The attached test failures were seen while running run-webkit-tests on the > commit-queue. > Bot: webkit-cq-01 Port: mac-highsierra Platform: Mac OS X 10.13.6
I believe the test has been flaky due to existing bug since it was added, and it's somehow exposed by this patch. Will fix the bug in
WebKit Commit Bot
Comment 24
2019-08-30 01:59:49 PDT
Comment on
attachment 377465
Patch for landing Rejecting
attachment 377465
from commit-queue. Failed to run "['/Volumes/Data/EWS/WebKit/Tools/Scripts/webkit-patch', '--status-host=webkit-queues.webkit.org', '--bot-id=webkit-cq-01', 'apply-attachment', '--no-update', '--non-interactive', 377465, '--port=mac']" exit_code: 2 cwd: /Volumes/Data/EWS/WebKit Logging in as
... Fetching:
&ctype=xml&excludefield=attachmentdata Processing 1 patch from 1 bug. Processing patch 377465 from
bug 201057
. Fetching:
Failed to run "[u'/Volumes/Data/EWS/WebKit/Tools/Scripts/svn-apply', '--force']" exit_code: 1 cwd: /Volumes/Data/EWS/WebKit Parsed 10 diffs from patch file(s). patching file Source/WebCore/ChangeLog Hunk #1 succeeded at 1 with fuzz 3. patching file Source/WebCore/Modules/indexeddb/server/IDBBackingStore.h patching file Source/WebCore/Modules/indexeddb/server/IDBServer.cpp Hunk #2 succeeded at 787 with fuzz 1. patching file Source/WebCore/Modules/indexeddb/server/IDBServer.h patching file Source/WebCore/Modules/indexeddb/server/MemoryIDBBackingStore.cpp patching file Source/WebCore/Modules/indexeddb/server/MemoryIDBBackingStore.h patching file Source/WebCore/Modules/indexeddb/server/SQLiteIDBBackingStore.cpp Hunk #1 FAILED at 845. 1 out of 2 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file Source/WebCore/Modules/indexeddb/server/SQLiteIDBBackingStore.cpp.rej patching file Source/WebCore/Modules/indexeddb/server/SQLiteIDBBackingStore.h patching file Source/WebCore/Modules/indexeddb/server/UniqueIDBDatabase.cpp patching file Source/WebCore/Modules/indexeddb/server/UniqueIDBDatabase.h Failed to run "[u'/Volumes/Data/EWS/WebKit/Tools/Scripts/svn-apply', '--force']" exit_code: 1 cwd: /Volumes/Data/EWS/WebKit Full output:
Sihui Liu
Comment 25
2019-08-30 09:36:59 PDT
attachment 377719
Patch for landing
WebKit Commit Bot
Comment 26
2019-08-30 10:19:45 PDT
Comment on
attachment 377719
Patch for landing Clearing flags on attachment: 377719 Committed
: <
WebKit Commit Bot
Comment 27
2019-08-30 10:19:46 PDT
All reviewed patches have been landed. Closing bug.
Radar WebKit Bug Importer
Comment 28
2019-08-30 10:20:31 PDT
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