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[JSC][Win] Support unwind information for LLInt ASM by using MASM directives to get callstack in debugger
[JSC][Win] Support unwind information for LLInt ASM by using MASM directives ...
Fujii Hironori
2019-07-02 03:06:33 PDT
[JSC][Win] Support unwind information for LLInt ASM by using MASM directives to get callstack in debugger MASM has directives for debug information. .SETFRAME | Microsoft Docs
VS debugger can't get callstack under JSC. It looks like the following:
> WebKit.dll!WebCore::Node::appendChild(WebCore::Node & newChild) Line 493 C++ > WebKit.dll!WebCore::jsNodePrototypeFunctionAppendChildBody(JSC::ExecState * state, WebCore::JSNode * castedThis, JSC::ThrowScope & throwScope) Line 860 C++ > WebKit.dll!WebCore::IDLOperation<WebCore::JSNode>::call<&WebCore::jsNodePrototypeFunctionAppendChildBody,WebCore::CastedThisErrorBehavior::Throw>(JSC::ExecState & state, const char * operationName) Line 53 C++ > WebKit.dll!WebCore::jsNodePrototypeFunctionAppendChild(JSC::ExecState * state) Line 866 C++ > [External Code]
WIP patch
(3.41 KB, patch)
2019-07-02 03:07 PDT
Fujii Hironori
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Fujii Hironori
Comment 1
2019-07-02 03:07:55 PDT
attachment 373312
WIP patch This WIP patch doens't work as expected, but sometimes debugger can show full callstack like the following:
> WebKit.dll!WebCore::Node::appendChild(WebCore::Node & newChild) Line 493 C++ > WebKit.dll!WebCore::jsNodePrototypeFunctionAppendChildBody(JSC::ExecState * state, WebCore::JSNode * castedThis, JSC::ThrowScope & throwScope) Line 860 C++ > WebKit.dll!WebCore::IDLOperation<WebCore::JSNode>::call<&WebCore::jsNodePrototypeFunctionAppendChildBody,WebCore::CastedThisErrorBehavior::Throw>(JSC::ExecState & state, const char * operationName) Line 53 C++ > WebKit.dll!WebCore::jsNodePrototypeFunctionAppendChild(JSC::ExecState * state) Line 866 C++ > [External Code] > JavaScriptCore.dll!JSC::JITCode::execute(JSC::VM * vm, JSC::ProtoCallFrame * protoCallFrame) Line 38 C++ > JavaScriptCore.dll!JSC::Interpreter::executeProgram(const JSC::SourceCode & source, JSC::ExecState * callFrame, JSC::JSObject * thisObj) Line 845 C++ > JavaScriptCore.dll!JSC::evaluate(JSC::ExecState * exec, const JSC::SourceCode & source, JSC::JSValue thisValue, WTF::NakedPtr<JSC::Exception> & returnedException) Line 149 C++ > JavaScriptCore.dll!JSC::profiledEvaluate(JSC::ExecState * exec, JSC::ProfilingReason reason, const JSC::SourceCode & source, JSC::JSValue thisValue, WTF::NakedPtr<JSC::Exception> & returnedException) Line 164 C++ > WebKit.dll!WebCore::JSExecState::profiledEvaluate(JSC::ExecState * exec, JSC::ProfilingReason reason, const JSC::SourceCode & source, JSC::JSValue thisValue, WTF::NakedPtr<JSC::Exception> & returnedException) Line 81 C++ > WebKit.dll!WebCore::ScriptController::evaluateInWorld(const WebCore::ScriptSourceCode & sourceCode, WebCore::DOMWrapperWorld & world, WebCore::ExceptionDetails * exceptionDetails) Line 133 C++ > WebKit.dll!WebCore::ScriptController::evaluate(const WebCore::ScriptSourceCode & sourceCode, WebCore::ExceptionDetails * exceptionDetails) Line 149 C++ > WebKit.dll!WebCore::ScriptElement::executeClassicScript(const WebCore::ScriptSourceCode & sourceCode) Line 388 C++ > WebKit.dll!WebCore::LoadableClassicScript::execute(WebCore::ScriptElement & scriptElement) Line 123 C++ > WebKit.dll!WebCore::ScriptElement::executeScriptAndDispatchEvent(WebCore::LoadableScript & loadableScript) Line 426 C++ > WebKit.dll!WebCore::ScriptElement::executePendingScript(WebCore::PendingScript & pendingScript) Line 434 C++ > WebKit.dll!WebCore::ScriptRunner::timerFired() Line 131 C++ > [External Code] > WebKit.dll!WTF::Detail::CallableWrapper<std::_Binder<std::_Unforced,void (WebCore::ScriptRunner::*&)(),WebCore::ScriptRunner *>,void>::call() Line 52 C++ > WebKit.dll!WTF::Function<void ()>::operator()() Line 79 C++ > WebKit.dll!WebCore::Timer::fired() Line 127 C++ > WebKit.dll!WebCore::ThreadTimers::sharedTimerFiredInternal() Line 129 C++ > WebKit.dll!WebCore::ThreadTimers::setSharedTimer::<unnamed-tag>::operator()() Line 69 C++ > WebKit.dll!WTF::Detail::CallableWrapper<`lambda at ..\..\Source\WebCore\platform/ThreadTimers.cpp:69:41',void>::call() Line 52 C++ > WebKit.dll!WTF::Function<void ()>::operator()() Line 79 C++ > WebKit.dll!WebCore::MainThreadSharedTimer::fired() Line 84 C++ > WebKit.dll!WebCore::TimerWindowWndProc(HWND__ * hWnd, unsigned int message, unsigned __int64 wParam, __int64 lParam) Line 89 C++ > [External Code] > WebKit.dll!WebKitMessageLoop::run(HACCEL__ * hAccelTable) Line 94 C++ > MiniBrowserLib.dll!wWinMain(HINSTANCE__ * hInstance, HINSTANCE__ * hPrevInstance, wchar_t * lpstrCmdLine, int nCmdShow) Line 97 C++ > MiniBrowserLib.dll!dllLauncherEntryPoint(HINSTANCE__ * hInstance, HINSTANCE__ * hPrevInstance, wchar_t * lpstrCmdLine, int nCmdShow) Line 115 C++ > MiniBrowser.exe!wWinMain(HINSTANCE__ * hInstance, HINSTANCE__ * hPrevInstance, wchar_t * lpstrCmdLine, int nCmdShow) Line 232 C++ > [External Code]
Fujii Hironori
Comment 2
2019-07-02 03:13:21 PDT
Fujii Hironori
Comment 3
2019-07-02 23:52:04 PDT
Umm, this doesn't seem an easy task. It manipulates the stack pointer outside of epilogue and prologue.
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