NEW 198765
html.css and MediaFeatureNames.h refer to prefers-dark-interface" which was renamed to "prefers-color-scheme"
Summary html.css and MediaFeatureNames.h refer to prefers-dark-interface" which was r...
Simon Fraser (smfr)
Reported 2019-06-11 13:11:56 PDT
prefers-dark-interface is the old name.
Ahmad Saleem
Comment 1 2024-03-11 17:19:29 PDT
We still have this: @media (prefers-dark-interface) { input { background-color: transparent; } ... and const FeatureSchema& prefersDarkInterface() { static MainThreadNeverDestroyed<IdentifierSchema> schema { "prefers-dark-interface"_s, FixedVector { CSSValueNoPreference, CSSValuePrefers }, [](auto& context) { Ref page = *context.document->frame()->page(); bool prefersDarkInterface = page->useSystemAppearance() && page->useDarkAppearance(); return MatchingIdentifiers { prefersDarkInterface ? CSSValuePrefers : CSSValueNoPreference }; } }; return schema; } .. ___ We have following test as well - use-system-appearance-user-stylesheet-parsing.html
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