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): Crash when visiting
REGRESSION (r34838): Crash when visiting http://www.thewebsiteisdown.com/sale...
Yazz D. Atlas
2008-07-02 02:38:27 PDT
with July 2nd nightly build causes a crash. System running Mac OS X 10.5.4
Proposed patch
(1.87 KB, patch)
2008-07-03 06:44 PDT
Cameron Zwarich (cpst)
: review+
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Alexey Proskuryakov
Comment 1
2008-07-03 04:21:51 PDT
Looks like there are two issues here: (1) Machine::privateExecute has started returning 0, and (2), _NPN_Invoke not being prepared to see 0 as the returned JSValue*.
Alexey Proskuryakov
Comment 2
2008-07-03 04:27:32 PDT
This didn't crash in
, so it's a recent regression - sadly, there was a large gap between nighlies this time.
Alexey Proskuryakov
Comment 3
2008-07-03 04:37:59 PDT
Bug 19856
has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Cameron Zwarich (cpst)
Comment 4
2008-07-03 04:57:38 PDT
This seems like it is caused by
I am testing this now.
Cameron Zwarich (cpst)
Comment 5
2008-07-03 05:38:57 PDT
I can confirm that the crash described in this bug is caused by
. However, in
, both sites still cause assertion failures, thanks to
bug 19736
. I have a fix for that bug, but I got a bit sidetracked writing the plugin test code. I am going to remove the assignment of this to myself, because Geoff is likely the best person to fix it.
Cameron Zwarich (cpst)
Comment 6
2008-07-03 06:25:46 PDT
As Alexey mentioned, the problem is _NPN_Invoke not being able to handle a 0 return value from Machine::execute(). The particular 0 in question is coming from Register* r = slideRegisterWindowForCall(exec, newCodeBlock, &m_registerFile, m_registerFile.base(), callFrame, argv, argc, *exception); if (*exception) { m_registerFile.shrink(oldSize); return 0; } However, the call to slideRegisterWindowForCall() does not set an exception, so the exception must be sitting around from before. Indeed, it was set by _NPN_SetException(). The fix for
bug 19736
is to simply remove the body of _NPN_SetException() because it is completely incorrect and not doing anything useful at the moment. The question of how to properly handle exceptions from the NPAPI is somewhat thorny, because of compatibility issues. I'm marking this as a duplicate. *** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of
Cameron Zwarich (cpst)
Comment 7
2008-07-03 06:27:04 PDT
Actually, this bug is easier to reproduce, so I will swap the duplicate status. Sorry!
Cameron Zwarich (cpst)
Comment 8
2008-07-03 06:27:25 PDT
Bug 19736
has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Cameron Zwarich (cpst)
Comment 9
2008-07-03 06:44:53 PDT
attachment 22064
Proposed patch Here is a patch that fixes the bug. I should be able to reproduce this in a layout test by adding a test to the test plugin, but I might not be able to get around to it until later in the day.
Alexey Proskuryakov
Comment 10
2008-07-03 07:25:06 PDT
Comment on
attachment 22064
Proposed patch So, do we want to fix _NPN_Invoke as well?
Cameron Zwarich (cpst)
Comment 11
2008-07-03 10:17:26 PDT
(In reply to
comment #10
> (From update of
attachment 22064
[edit]) > So, do we want to fix _NPN_Invoke as well?
A 0 return value from Machine::execute() means complete failure. Why do we want to continue execution?
Geoffrey Garen
Comment 12
2008-07-03 10:20:21 PDT
There are actually a few places in our code that are not capable of handling a 0 JSValue*. It would be nice to fix all our code so that it didn't try to use a JSValue* returned from a function that threw an exception. However, in the short term, I think we should just change Machine::privateExecute to return jsNull() in exception cases instead of 0 (in addition to the patch Cameron posted).
Geoffrey Garen
Comment 13
2008-07-03 10:21:14 PDT
Comment on
attachment 22064
Proposed patch I'll r+ this since it fixes part of the bug. Cameron, can you add comment with a bug #, please, before landing?
Alexey Proskuryakov
Comment 14
2008-07-03 10:28:21 PDT
(In reply to
comment #11
> A 0 return value from Machine::execute() means complete failure. Why do we want > to continue execution?
Getting JS stack overflow doesn't mean WebKit should crash, does it?
Cameron Zwarich (cpst)
Comment 15
2008-07-03 11:00:28 PDT
(In reply to
comment #13
> (From update of
attachment 22064
[edit]) > I'll r+ this since it fixes part of the bug. Cameron, can you add comment with > a bug #, please, before landing?
There's already one in the ChangeLog for this bug, so I imagine you mean a bug # for implementing _NPN_SetException() correctly?
Cameron Zwarich (cpst)
Comment 16
2008-07-03 11:14:32 PDT
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