CSS custom properties should be case sensitive
Summary CSS custom properties should be case sensitive
Simon Fraser (smfr)
Reported 2019-06-03 18:15:21 PDT says: "Unlike other CSS properties, custom property names are case-sensitive." but WebKit seems to lowercase them all, and then has bugs when the case is unmatched: Also, Web Inspector shows them all as lowercase, which is very confusing.
Radar WebKit Bug Importer
Comment 1 2019-06-03 18:15:49 PDT
Tyler Wilcock
Comment 2 2020-10-03 20:58:38 PDT
Has this been fixed? I couldn't reproduce it in the GTK minibrowser built from the latest master nor in Safari Version 14.0 (15610., 15610). The Codepen seemed to behave fine, and toggling between the two CSS variables in this example also seemed to work as expected: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <style> :root { --myVar: blue; --myvar: red; } div { width: 400px; height: 400px; background-color: var(--myvar); } </style> </head> <body> <div></div> </body> </html>
Simon Fraser (smfr)
Comment 3 2021-08-26 16:15:53 PDT
Seems like this is fixed now.
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