NEW 195912
Fix a bug from r226303 that latest build time is not correctly calculated.
Summary Fix a bug from r226303 that latest build time is not correctly calculated.
Reported 2019-03-18 14:13:12 PDT
Fix a bug from r226303 that latest build time is not correctly calculated.
Patch (7.19 KB, patch)
2019-03-18 14:15 PDT, dewei_zhu
no flags
Patch (3.20 KB, patch)
2019-03-18 15:06 PDT, dewei_zhu
rniwa: review+
Comment 1 2019-03-18 14:15:41 PDT
Ryosuke Niwa
Comment 2 2019-03-18 14:44:01 PDT
Comment on attachment 365063 [details] Patch View in context: > Websites/ > + if (!this._latestBuildPoint || ( && < > + this._latestBuildPoint = item; This is a layering violation. TimeSeries class shouldn't be aware of build() and its values, etc... > Websites/ > + const latestBuildPoint = currentTimeSeries.latestBuildPoint(); Just find the point based on build time here. This happens once for each callback from measurementSet.fetchBetween anyway so the perf isn't an issue. Doing a bunch of checks in TimeSeries.append would be way slower.
Comment 3 2019-03-18 15:06:06 PDT
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