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[Web GPU] Blitting function prototypes
[Web GPU] Blitting function prototypes
Justin Fan
2019-03-01 13:07:38 PST
[Web GPU] Web GPU copyBufferToTexture prototype
(52.82 KB, patch)
2019-03-01 17:10 PST
Justin Fan
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(63.60 KB, patch)
2019-03-04 13:40 PST
Justin Fan
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(63.61 KB, patch)
2019-03-04 16:28 PST
Justin Fan
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Justin Fan
Comment 1
2019-03-01 17:10:56 PST
attachment 363391
Radar WebKit Bug Importer
Comment 2
2019-03-02 16:02:17 PST
Daniel Bates
Comment 3
2019-03-02 16:10:29 PST
Comment on
attachment 363391
Patch View in context:
This patch contains a lot of logging. Is it all necessary?
> Source/WebCore/platform/graphics/gpu/GPUTexture.h:63 > + GPUTextureUsage::Flags m_usage;
> Source/WebCore/platform/graphics/gpu/GPUTextureUsage.h:40 > + TransferSrc = 1,
1 << 0 Name bothers me, but not by much. I like spelling things out so “TransferSource”.
> Source/WebCore/platform/graphics/gpu/GPUTextureUsage.h:41 > + TransferDst = 2,
1 << 1 Name bothers me, but not by much. I like spelling things out so “TransferDestination”.
> Source/WebCore/platform/graphics/gpu/GPUTextureUsage.h:42 > + Sampled = 4,
see where I’m going with this? This is not the correct style for a flag enum. Greg the code.
> Source/WebCore/platform/graphics/gpu/GPUTextureUsage.h:44 > + OutputAttachment = 16
Trailing comma to make this future proof?
> Source/WebCore/platform/graphics/gpu/cocoa/GPUCommandBufferMetal.mm:78 > +MTLBlitCommandEncoder *GPUCommandBuffer::currentBlitEncoder()
* on the wrong side. Why isn’t this function const? It should be, and make the ivar mutable, because this lazy retaining business is an implementation detail.
> Source/WebCore/platform/graphics/gpu/cocoa/GPUCommandBufferMetal.mm:80 > + if (!m_blitEncoder)
Ok as-is. The most common case is we have the encoder right? So, I would early return if we have it. Otherwise, assign to ivar and return it. This would be slightly more efficient that what you have now.
> Source/WebCore/platform/graphics/gpu/cocoa/GPUCommandBufferMetal.mm:81 > + m_blitEncoder = retainPtr([m_platformCommandBuffer blitCommandEncoder]);
retainPtr() is not necessary.
> Source/WebCore/platform/graphics/gpu/cocoa/GPUCommandBufferMetal.mm:82 > +
Ok as-is. I don’t like this empty line. I find it distracting and not improving the readability of this code. I would remove it.
> Source/WebCore/platform/graphics/gpu/cocoa/GPUCommandBufferMetal.mm:98 > +#endif // PLATFORM(MAC)
Ok as-is. I don’t like the inline comment. Who’s window/monitor is so small that they can’t keep 6 lines on screen? Or are we accounting for people with Alzheimer’s?
> Source/WebCore/platform/graphics/gpu/cocoa/GPUCommandBufferMetal.mm:123 > +void GPUCommandBuffer::copyBufferToTexture(GPUBufferCopyView&& srcBuffer, GPUTextureCopyView&& dstTexture, GPUExtent3D&& size)
This function is clearly incomplete. But I don’t think all these arguments need to be rvalue refs do they?
> Source/WebCore/platform/graphics/gpu/cocoa/GPUCommandBufferMetal.mm:130 > + /* FIXME: Add Metal validation?
FIXME: Use C++ style comment for all of these lines? :D
> Source/WebCore/platform/graphics/gpu/cocoa/GPUCommandBufferMetal.mm:162 > +void GPUCommandBuffer::copyTextureToBuffer(GPUTextureCopyView&& srcTexture, GPUBufferCopyView&& dstBuffer, GPUExtent3D&& size)
I don’t think all of these arguments need to be rvalue refs, do they?
> Source/WebCore/platform/graphics/gpu/cocoa/GPUCommandBufferMetal.mm:189 > +void GPUCommandBuffer::copyTextureToTexture(GPUTextureCopyView&& src, GPUTextureCopyView&& dst, GPUExtent3D&& size)
> Source/WebCore/platform/graphics/gpu/cocoa/GPUTextureMetal.mm:57 > +static Optional<MTLTextureUsage> mtlTextureUsageForGPUTextureUsageFlags(GPUTextureUsageFlags flags, const char* const functionName)
flags should be an OptionSet<>
Justin Fan
Comment 4
2019-03-04 12:48:17 PST
Comment on
attachment 363391
Patch View in context:
>> Source/WebCore/platform/graphics/gpu/GPUTexture.h:63 >> + GPUTextureUsage::Flags m_usage; > > OptionSet<>?
Thanks for the review! I'd never heard of that before, I'll check it out.
>> Source/WebCore/platform/graphics/gpu/GPUTextureUsage.h:40 >> + TransferSrc = 1, > > 1 << 0 > > Name bothers me, but not by much. I like spelling things out so “TransferSource”.
I have to match the Web API for our bindings code to match it properly. I can tell bindings to ignore constants checking if I want to change the name, but I'd rather not.
>> Source/WebCore/platform/graphics/gpu/GPUTextureUsage.h:44 >> + OutputAttachment = 16 > > Trailing comma to make this future proof?
>> Source/WebCore/platform/graphics/gpu/cocoa/GPUCommandBufferMetal.mm:78 >> +MTLBlitCommandEncoder *GPUCommandBuffer::currentBlitEncoder() > > * on the wrong side. > > Why isn’t this function const? It should be, and make the ivar mutable, because this lazy retaining business is an implementation detail.
* is separate from the Objective-C type. I didn't think 'const'ing this and making the ivar mutable was an option as I'd never used that pattern.
>> Source/WebCore/platform/graphics/gpu/cocoa/GPUCommandBufferMetal.mm:80 >> + if (!m_blitEncoder) > > Ok as-is. The most common case is we have the encoder right? So, I would early return if we have it. Otherwise, assign to ivar and return it. This would be slightly more efficient that what you have now.
>> Source/WebCore/platform/graphics/gpu/cocoa/GPUCommandBufferMetal.mm:81 >> + m_blitEncoder = retainPtr([m_platformCommandBuffer blitCommandEncoder]); > > retainPtr() is not necessary.
>> Source/WebCore/platform/graphics/gpu/cocoa/GPUCommandBufferMetal.mm:130 >> + /* FIXME: Add Metal validation? > > FIXME: Use C++ style comment for all of these lines? :D
>> Source/WebCore/platform/graphics/gpu/cocoa/GPUCommandBufferMetal.mm:162 >> +void GPUCommandBuffer::copyTextureToBuffer(GPUTextureCopyView&& srcTexture, GPUBufferCopyView&& dstBuffer, GPUExtent3D&& size) > > I don’t think all of these arguments need to be rvalue refs, do they?
You're right, they can be raw refs.
Justin Fan
Comment 5
2019-03-04 13:19:19 PST
Comment on
attachment 363391
Patch View in context:
>>> Source/WebCore/platform/graphics/gpu/GPUTextureUsage.h:40 >>> + TransferSrc = 1, >> >> 1 << 0 >> >> Name bothers me, but not by much. I like spelling things out so “TransferSource”. > > I have to match the Web API for our bindings code to match it properly. I can tell bindings to ignore constants checking if I want to change the name, but I'd rather not.
On second thought, since we're already ignoring the checks, I've updated the name.
Justin Fan
Comment 6
2019-03-04 13:40:53 PST
attachment 363550
Dean Jackson
Comment 7
2019-03-04 15:40:09 PST
Comment on
attachment 363550
Patch View in context:
> Source/WebCore/Modules/webgpu/WebGPUCommandBuffer.cpp:49 > + return GPUBufferCopyView(buffer->buffer().releaseNonNull(), *this);
I think we tend to use syntax like this now: return GPUBufferCopyView { buffer->buffer().releaseNonNull(), *this };
> Source/WebCore/platform/graphics/gpu/cocoa/GPUCommandBufferMetal.mm:120 > +void GPUCommandBuffer::copyBufferToTexture(const GPUBufferCopyView& srcBuffer, const GPUTextureCopyView& dstTexture, const GPUExtent3D& size)
It's kind of weird that we can have a const destination just because ObjC.
> Source/WebCore/platform/graphics/gpu/cocoa/GPUCommandBufferMetal.mm:127 > + // FIXME: Add Metal validation?
I don't think this is a question.
> Source/WebCore/platform/graphics/gpu/cocoa/GPUTextureMetal.mm:62 > + if (flags.containsAny({ GPUTextureUsage::Flags::TransferSource, GPUTextureUsage::Flags::Sampled }) && (flags & GPUTextureUsage::Flags::Storage)) {
You should consistently use .contains everywhere if you're going OptionSet<>
> LayoutTests/webgpu/blit-commands.html:33 > + usage: GPUBufferUsage.TRANSFER_SRC | GPUBufferUsage.TRANSFER_DST
I think bufferA is SRC only and bufferB is both.
Justin Fan
Comment 8
2019-03-04 16:21:39 PST
Comment on
attachment 363550
Patch View in context:
>> Source/WebCore/platform/graphics/gpu/cocoa/GPUTextureMetal.mm:62 >> + if (flags.containsAny({ GPUTextureUsage::Flags::TransferSource, GPUTextureUsage::Flags::Sampled }) && (flags & GPUTextureUsage::Flags::Storage)) { > > You should consistently use .contains everywhere if you're going OptionSet<>
I use contains for the getters because the bool() operator is marked explicit, but in this case (and others around WebKit) it looks like for single-bit checks a normal & is ok.
>> LayoutTests/webgpu/blit-commands.html:33 >> + usage: GPUBufferUsage.TRANSFER_SRC | GPUBufferUsage.TRANSFER_DST > > I think bufferA is SRC only and bufferB is both.
BufferA needs to be TRANSFER_DST if I want to use setSubData on it.
Justin Fan
Comment 9
2019-03-04 16:28:10 PST
attachment 363567
Patch for landing
WebKit Commit Bot
Comment 10
2019-03-04 16:55:22 PST
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attachment 363567
Patch for landing Clearing flags on attachment: 363567 Committed
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WebKit Commit Bot
Comment 11
2019-03-04 16:55:23 PST
All reviewed patches have been landed. Closing bug.
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