Finish removing String::format
Summary Finish removing String::format
Darin Adler
Reported 2019-02-20 21:04:33 PST
Finish removing String::format
Patch (44.60 KB, patch)
2019-02-20 21:21 PST, Darin Adler
no flags
Patch (44.50 KB, patch)
2019-02-20 21:57 PST, Darin Adler
no flags
Archive of layout-test-results from ews126 for ios-simulator-wk2 (6.02 MB, application/zip)
2019-02-21 00:05 PST, EWS Watchlist
no flags
Patch (44.66 KB, patch)
2019-02-21 08:25 PST, Darin Adler
dbates: review+
Darin Adler
Comment 1 2019-02-20 21:21:39 PST Comment hidden (obsolete)
Darin Adler
Comment 2 2019-02-20 21:57:24 PST Comment hidden (obsolete)
EWS Watchlist
Comment 3 2019-02-21 00:05:18 PST Comment hidden (obsolete)
EWS Watchlist
Comment 4 2019-02-21 00:05:19 PST Comment hidden (obsolete)
Darin Adler
Comment 5 2019-02-21 08:25:42 PST
Darin Adler
Comment 6 2019-02-21 19:08:00 PST
Passing all the tests, just need a reviewer.
Daniel Bates
Comment 7 2019-02-21 23:19:43 PST
Comment on attachment 362610 [details] Patch View in context: > Source/WebCore/ChangeLog:16 > + (WebCore::cpuUsageString): Use makeString, FormatttedNumber, and pad. FormatttedNumber => FormattedNumber (remove one of the t's) > Source/WTF/wtf/Assertions.cpp:109 > + return String(); Ok as-is. return { }? > Source/WTF/wtf/Assertions.cpp:113 > + unsigned len = result; OK as-is. length? > Source/WebCore/rendering/RenderLayerCompositor.cpp:1327 > + logString.append(makeString(pad(' ', 12 + depth * 2, hex(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(&layer))), " id ", backing->graphicsLayer()->primaryLayerID(), " (", FormattedNumber::fixedWidth(absoluteBounds.x().toFloat(), 3), ',', FormattedNumber::fixedWidth(absoluteBounds.y().toFloat(), 3), '-', FormattedNumber::fixedWidth(absoluteBounds.maxX().toFloat(), 3), ',', FormattedNumber::fixedWidth(absoluteBounds.maxY().toFloat(), 3), ") ", FormattedNumber::fixedWidth(backing->backingStoreMemoryEstimate() / 1024, 2), "KB")); I'm starting to remember why I like String::format() more :| Hoping this will grow on me. > Source/WebCore/rendering/RenderTheme.cpp:579 > + return makeString((time < 0 ? "-" : ""), hours, ':', pad('0', 2, minutes), ':', pad('0', 2, seconds)); > + return makeString((time < 0 ? "-" : ""), pad('0', 2, minutes), ':', pad('0', 2, seconds)); :|
Darin Adler
Comment 8 2019-02-22 09:57:02 PST
Comment on attachment 362610 [details] Patch View in context: >> Source/WebCore/rendering/RenderLayerCompositor.cpp:1327 >> + logString.append(makeString(pad(' ', 12 + depth * 2, hex(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(&layer))), " id ", backing->graphicsLayer()->primaryLayerID(), " (", FormattedNumber::fixedWidth(absoluteBounds.x().toFloat(), 3), ',', FormattedNumber::fixedWidth(absoluteBounds.y().toFloat(), 3), '-', FormattedNumber::fixedWidth(absoluteBounds.maxX().toFloat(), 3), ',', FormattedNumber::fixedWidth(absoluteBounds.maxY().toFloat(), 3), ") ", FormattedNumber::fixedWidth(backing->backingStoreMemoryEstimate() / 1024, 2), "KB")); > > I'm starting to remember why I like String::format() more :| Hoping this will grow on me. I don’t consider this "preferred style", just the easiest way to convert one of the most complicated call sites, which therefore is in the very last patch of this sequence. If there were lots of call sites like this one I might feel the loss of format strings more acutely. Note that this one call site could be made a lot prettier and more elegant in multiple ways, but my goal wasn’t that; it was to get rid of the last few callers in the simplest way.
Darin Adler
Comment 9 2019-02-24 15:57:30 PST
Radar WebKit Bug Importer
Comment 10 2019-02-24 15:58:23 PST
Darin Adler
Comment 11 2019-02-25 06:44:00 PST
Just realized that actually removing String::format may again cause problems with the web inspector like it did back when we tried to fix bug 188191. I hope not!
Simon Fraser (smfr)
Comment 12 2019-02-27 16:15:57 PST
I'm getting crashes with compositing logging enabled, under: logString.append(makeString(pad(' ', 12 + depth * 2, hex(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(&layer))), " id ", backing->graphicsLayer()->primaryLayerID(), " (", FormattedNumber::fixedWidth(absoluteBounds.x().toFloat(), 3), ',', FormattedNumber::fixedWidth(absoluteBounds.y().toFloat(), 3), '-', FormattedNumber::fixedWidth(absoluteBounds.maxX().toFloat(), 3), ',', FormattedNumber::fixedWidth(absoluteBounds.maxY().toFloat(), 3), ") ", FormattedNumber::fixedWidth(backing->backingStoreMemoryEstimate() / 1024, 2), "KB")); Not sure why yet. I just just crash in memcpy tho.
Simon Fraser (smfr)
Comment 13 2019-02-27 16:17:11 PST
frame #0: 0x000000010d004a69 libsystem_platform.dylib`_platform_memmove$VARIANT$Haswell + 41 * frame #1: 0x00000005ff656697 WebCore`void WTF::StringImpl::copyCharacters<unsigned char>(destination="", source="", numCharacters=631693656) at StringImpl.h:1088:5 frame #2: 0x00000005ff810044 WebCore`void WTF::StringTypeAdapter<WTF::HexNumberBuffer, void>::writeTo<unsigned char>(this=0x00007ffeebc8a4d0, destination="") const at HexNumber.h:104:87 frame #3: 0x00000006027f40be WebCore`void WTF::StringTypeAdapter<WTF::PaddingSpecification<WTF::StringTypeAdapter<WTF::HexNumberBuffer, void> >, void>::writeTo<unsigned char>(this=0x00007ffeebc89fa0, destination="") const at StringConcatenate.h:229:37 frame #4: 0x00000006027f2de4 WebCore`void WTF::makeStringAccumulator<unsigned char, WTF::StringTypeAdapter<WTF::PaddingSpecification<WTF::StringTypeAdapter<WTF::HexNumberBuffer, void> >, void>, WTF::StringTypeAdapter<char const*, void>, WTF::StringTypeAdapter<unsigned long long, void>, WTF::StringTypeAdapter<char const*, void>, WTF::StringTypeAdapter<WTF::FormattedNumber, void>, WTF::StringTypeAdapter<char, void>, WTF::StringTypeAdapter<WTF::FormattedNumber, void>, WTF::StringTypeAdapter<char, void>, WTF::StringTypeAdapter<WTF::FormattedNumber, void>, WTF::StringTypeAdapter<char, void>, WTF::StringTypeAdapter<WTF::FormattedNumber, void>, WTF::StringTypeAdapter<char const*, void>, WTF::StringTypeAdapter<WTF::FormattedNumber, void>, WTF::StringTypeAdapter<char const*, void> >(result="", adapter=StringTypeAdapter<WTF::PaddingSpecification<WTF::StringTypeAdapter<WTF::HexNumberBuffer> >, void> @ 0x00007ffeebc89fa0, adapters=StringTypeAdapter<const char *, void> @ 0x00007ffeebc89f90, adapters=(m_number = 39), adapters=StringTypeAdapter<const char *, void> @ 0x00007ffeebc89fe0, adapters=StringTypeAdapter<WTF::FormattedNumber, void> @ 0x00007ffeebc89f80, adapters=(m_character = ','), adapters=StringTypeAdapter<WTF::FormattedNumber, void> @ 0x00007ffeebc89f70, adapters=(m_character = '-'), adapters=StringTypeAdapter<WTF::FormattedNumber, void> @ 0x00007ffeebc89f60, adapters=(m_character = ','), adapters=StringTypeAdapter<WTF::FormattedNumber, void> @ 0x00007ffeebc89f50, adapters=StringTypeAdapter<const char *, void> @ 0x00007ffeebc8a020, adapters=StringTypeAdapter<WTF::FormattedNumber, void> @ 0x00007ffeebc89f48, adapters=StringTypeAdapter<const char *, void> @ 0x00007ffeebc8a038) at StringConcatenate.h:257:13 frame #5: 0x00000006027f26d5 WebCore`WTF::String WTF::tryMakeStringFromAdapters<WTF::StringTypeAdapter<WTF::PaddingSpecification<WTF::StringTypeAdapter<WTF::HexNumberBuffer, void> >, void>, WTF::StringTypeAdapter<char const*, void>, WTF::StringTypeAdapter<unsigned long long, void>, WTF::StringTypeAdapter<char const*, void>, WTF::StringTypeAdapter<WTF::FormattedNumber, void>, WTF::StringTypeAdapter<char, void>, WTF::StringTypeAdapter<WTF::FormattedNumber, void>, WTF::StringTypeAdapter<char, void>, WTF::StringTypeAdapter<WTF::FormattedNumber, void>, WTF::StringTypeAdapter<char, void>, WTF::StringTypeAdapter<WTF::FormattedNumber, void>, WTF::StringTypeAdapter<char const*, void>, WTF::StringTypeAdapter<WTF::FormattedNumber, void>, WTF::StringTypeAdapter<char const*, void> >(adapter=StringTypeAdapter<WTF::PaddingSpecification<WTF::StringTypeAdapter<WTF::HexNumberBuffer> >, void> @ 0x00007ffeebc8a310, adapters=StringTypeAdapter<const char *, void> @ 0x00007ffeebc8a300, adapters=(m_number = 39), adapters=StringTypeAdapter<const char *, void> @ 0x00007ffeebc8a350, adapters=StringTypeAdapter<WTF::FormattedNumber, void> @ 0x00007ffeebc8a2f0, adapters=(m_character = ','), adapters=StringTypeAdapter<WTF::FormattedNumber, void> @ 0x00007ffeebc8a2e0, adapters=(m_character = '-'), adapters=StringTypeAdapter<WTF::FormattedNumber, void> @ 0x00007ffeebc8a2d0, adapters=(m_character = ','), adapters=StringTypeAdapter<WTF::FormattedNumber, void> @ 0x00007ffeebc8a2c0, adapters=StringTypeAdapter<const char *, void> @ 0x00007ffeebc8a390, adapters=StringTypeAdapter<WTF::FormattedNumber, void> @ 0x00007ffeebc8a2b8, adapters=StringTypeAdapter<const char *, void> @ 0x00007ffeebc8a3a8) at StringConcatenate.h:277:9 frame #6: 0x00000006027f2018 WebCore`WTF::String WTF::tryMakeString<WTF::PaddingSpecification<WTF::StringTypeAdapter<WTF::HexNumberBuffer, void> >, char const*, unsigned long long, char const*, WTF::FormattedNumber, char, WTF::FormattedNumber, char, WTF::FormattedNumber, char, WTF::FormattedNumber, char const*, WTF::FormattedNumber, char const*>(strings=PaddingSpecification<WTF::StringTypeAdapter<WTF::HexNumberBuffer> > @ 0x00007ffeebc8a4c8, strings=" id ", strings=39, strings=" (", strings=(m_buffer = "0.000", m_length = 5), strings=',', strings=(m_buffer = "622.000", m_length = 7), strings='-', strings=(m_buffer = "414.000", m_length = 7), strings=',', strings=(m_buffer = "670.000", m_length = 7), strings=") ", strings=(m_buffer = "0.00", m_length = 4), strings="KB") at StringConcatenate.h:295:12 frame #7: 0x00000006027cdca1 WebCore`WTF::String WTF::makeString<WTF::PaddingSpecification<WTF::StringTypeAdapter<WTF::HexNumberBuffer, void> >, char const*, unsigned long long, char const*, WTF::FormattedNumber, char, WTF::FormattedNumber, char, WTF::FormattedNumber, char, WTF::FormattedNumber, char const*, WTF::FormattedNumber, char const*>(strings=PaddingSpecification<WTF::StringTypeAdapter<WTF::HexNumberBuffer> > @ 0x00007ffeebc8a828, strings=" id ", strings=39, strings=" (", strings=(m_buffer = "0.000", m_length = 5), strings=',', strings=(m_buffer = "622.000", m_length = 7), strings='-', strings=(m_buffer = "414.000", m_length = 7), strings=',', strings=(m_buffer = "670.000", m_length = 7), strings=") ", strings=(m_buffer = "0.00", m_length = 4), strings="KB") at StringConcatenate.h:301:21 frame #8: 0x00000006027cd253 WebCore`WebCore::RenderLayerCompositor::logLayerInfo(this=0x0000000625a6e158, layer=0x0000000633593540, phase="updateBackingAndHierarchy", depth=2) at RenderLayerCompositor.cpp:1327:22
Simon Fraser (smfr)
Comment 14 2019-02-27 16:22:09 PST
(lldb) fr va m_padding.underlyingAdapter.m_buffer (const WTF::HexNumberBuffer &) m_padding.underlyingAdapter.m_buffer = 0x00007ffeebc8aa80: { characters = (__elems_ = "0.000") length = 631693656 }
Simon Fraser (smfr)
Comment 15 2019-02-27 20:35:48 PST
I rolled this out in r242189.
Simon Fraser (smfr)
Comment 16 2019-02-27 20:38:25 PST
I filed bug 195141 on the crashing.
Darin Adler
Comment 17 2019-02-28 09:10:30 PST
Thanks, Simon. Sorry for the inconvenience. I’ll re-land this after adding more tests and fixing the crash you ran into.
Darin Adler
Comment 18 2019-03-01 21:45:16 PST
Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.