NEW 192969
[GTK] Slowness issue in animation for cross compiled chipset
Summary [GTK] Slowness issue in animation for cross compiled chipset
Prasanneswar Ramachandran
Reported 2018-12-20 19:02:19 PST
Herewith faced a issue in animation later and found a slowness while using opacity cases. At the time of accessing the transparency layer, graphicscontextcairo they have used the cairo_push_group and cairo_pop_group and if we omit those API , animation gets smooth.can you please suggest me why the animation get slow. And my webkit is 218831 revision and my toolset is arm.
Ahmad Saleem
Comment 1 2023-10-13 07:52:33 PDT
@Fuji - It has keyword 'cairo', is this still applicable?
Fujii Hironori
Comment 2 2023-10-13 15:16:52 PDT
This contains "arm" and "Linux" keywords. This seems to be a bug of GTK port.
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