Blurry text on HiDPI screens with 3d transform
Summary Blurry text on HiDPI screens with 3d transform
Roland Soos
Reported 2018-12-10 23:45:20 PST
Created attachment 357040 [details] Safari 12 HiDPI screenshot The both text on the previous example looks fine on iPhones, iPads,normal DPI Safari, Chrome and Firefox. The problem is that the top text is blurry on HiDPI Safari (retina iMac for example) To reproduce the issue on normal DPI screen: Terminal: sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/ DisplayResolutionEnabled -bool true Then System Preferences -> Display and choose the HiDPI at half resolution:
Safari 12 HiDPI screenshot (36.75 KB, image/png)
2018-12-10 23:45 PST, Roland Soos
no flags
Simon Fraser (smfr)
Comment 1 2018-12-11 10:37:28 PST
I think this is a quirk of Core Animation; we've fixed this for iOS in bug 169457, but I think we need the same fix for macOS.
Brent Fulgham
Comment 2 2022-06-30 16:45:23 PDT
I believe this has since been fixed on macOS. It works properly on the macOS Ventura Beta, and possibly older releases.
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