NEW 192559
[WPE][GTK] webkit_web_view_is_loading() should not be TRUE when buffering video
Summary [WPE][GTK] webkit_web_view_is_loading() should not be TRUE when buffering video
Michael Catanzaro
Reported 2018-12-10 10:55:39 PST
Visit Notice Epiphany displays a loading spinner and the page loading hovertext in the bottom left until the video has fully buffered. That's wrong: the web view is done loading when it shows the media controls so the user can start playback, not when the video has fully buffered.
Michael Catanzaro
Comment 1 2018-12-11 11:33:22 PST
Another variant of this bug. Visit Notice the page loads forever! It will only stop loading if you start playing the audio element, then seek towards the end of the audio. Otherwise it continues "loading" forever.
Philippe Normand
Comment 2 2019-03-22 07:33:25 PDT
This indicates an issue in the Media ResourceLoader, which is platform-agnostic.
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