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iPad/iPhone issue with canvas rendering after device rotation
iPad/iPhone issue with canvas rendering after device rotation
2018-09-21 05:55:48 PDT
attachment 350349
device console logs Hi, I'm building web application with animated canvas element (requestAnimationFrame) by pixi.js. When I open my app on iPad (model A1701) in safari/chrome everything works fine till I will not rotate device. My App is starting blinking and is unusable. Behaviour like this is not always replicable - I have to rotate my device few times to break it. The same behaviour is visible on other mobile ios devices (tested on iphone 6). On desktop browsers it's working fine and on android devices as well. I had ios 11.4 installed and I did an update to v12 - issue is still visible. I was debugging my app by plugging device to macbook and inspecting in safari - no errors/warings in console, timelines tool shows performance around 60fps - even when it's blinking. Solution to fix that is only reload the app/page. Also I've checked device console output (from xcode) and I see errors when screen is starting blinking - a lot of the same errors. I've attached a screenshot from console output. I was trying to find a solution for that for last 2 weeks - It's a big blocker for me because I have to support mobile ios devices. I'm waiting for your response - Thank you very much.
device console logs
(605.37 KB, image/png)
2018-09-21 05:55 PDT
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Brent Fulgham
Comment 1
2022-07-18 15:24:01 PDT
It's difficult to confirm this bug without a test case. We don't believe there is an ongoing issue here. If you do feel there is a problem, please REOPEN this bug and include a test case illustrating the issue.
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