Bug 187838 - AX: VoiceOver iOS users cannot set focus to blank/empty TD cells in a data table, they are skipped over and non-focusable.
Summary: AX: VoiceOver iOS users cannot set focus to blank/empty TD cells in a data ta...
Status: NEW
Alias: None
Product: WebKit
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Accessibility (show other bugs)
Version: Safari 11
Hardware: iPhone / iPad iOS 11
: P2 Critical
Assignee: Nobody
Keywords: InRadar
Depends on:
Reported: 2018-07-19 18:13 PDT by Paul J. Adam
Modified: 2023-03-08 09:43 PST (History)
2 users (show)

See Also:


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Description Paul J. Adam 2018-07-19 18:13:31 PDT
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Turn on VoiceOver for iOS on an iPad.
2. Visit http://pauljadam.com/demos/data-tables.html
3. Using VoiceOver set focus to the blank data table cells on the page. 
4. Swipe through the blank cells of the data table.

Expected Results:
VoiceOver focus moves to the blank data table cells and speaks "blank" along with its Row and/or Column Header text.
VoiceOver focus lands on blank cells as expected when swiping element by element. 

Actual Results:
VoiceOver cannot focus on any blank data table cells through direct touch focus. 
When swiping through elements VoiceOver skips over the blank cells.
Comment 1 Radar WebKit Bug Importer 2018-07-19 18:13:49 PDT
Comment 2 Ken Petri 2023-03-08 09:43:53 PST
Additional related issue:

Empty table cells prevent row-based navigation.

Steps to Reproduce:
1. Turn on VoiceOver for iOS on an iPad
2. Navigate into the table containing empty cells (linked in Paul J Adams issue)
3. Use the rotor and select "Rows"
4. Swipe right until the VO cursor is directly above an empty cell
5. Swipe down

Expected Results:
VoiceOver focus either moves into the empty cell and announces it as "blank," mirroring VO Mac behavior, or
VoiceOver skips the empty cell, landing on the cell with contents, below the empty cell in the column.

Actual Results:
VoiceOver is unable to navigate down the column.