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Web Inspector: Disable Cache doesn't affect preloaded content
Web Inspector: Disable Cache doesn't affect preloaded content
Martin Häcker
2018-07-17 04:58:29 PDT
attachment 345151
screenshot I've just noticed that `<link rel=preload ...>` content seems to completely ignore the 'disable cache' button in the webkit inspector. This has the effect that on my development system I frequently get out of date data when working with javascript. Which is quite annoying. See attached screenshot for an illustration of the problem.
(121.89 KB, image/png)
2018-07-17 04:58 PDT
Martin Häcker
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code and video of reproduction
(4.95 MB, application/zip)
2018-07-17 12:06 PDT
Martin Häcker
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Martin Häcker
Comment 1
2018-07-17 05:00:03 PDT
What I have in the html to load the script is this: `<link rel="preload" as="script" href="/static/additional.js" />` as well as `<script src="/static/additional.js"></script>`
Blaze Burg
Comment 2
2018-07-17 08:38:26 PDT
Are you able to reproduce this in a standalone test case? That would really help us to isolate and fix the issue.
Radar WebKit Bug Importer
Comment 3
2018-07-17 08:40:11 PDT
Martin Häcker
Comment 4
2018-07-17 12:06:32 PDT
attachment 345179
code and video of reproduction
Martin Häcker
Comment 5
2018-10-16 02:05:43 PDT
Hello @maintainers: any progress on this? This is _mightiliy_ annoying when trying to develop with Safari on a page that uses preloaded content. As far as I can tell neither Firefox nor Chromium behave this way, so I would be very surprised if this works as intended. Also, does my reproducer work for you? Do you need more input?
Martin Häcker
Comment 6
2018-10-16 02:10:50 PDT
Some more info I can add from my testing: If a page preloaded a script it seems * I can not reload any other page from the same site to get a new version of the script * Emptying the cache (command-alt-e) doesn't trigger a reload of the script * Force Reloading (command-alt-r) doesn't trigger a reload of the script. What we do: * We have an entry page that contains the preload statements * all other pages just reference the scripts as usual
Oliver Joseph Ash
Comment 7
2019-01-17 05:33:55 PST
I opened a new issue for this:
, as the bug is not specific to the "Disable Cache" feature in the web inspector. If a request is preloaded, Safari will always retrieve it from the cache, regardless of the cache headers for that request.
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