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[Web Animations] Interpolation between font-styles with a keyword value should be discrete
[Web Animations] Interpolation between font-styles with a keyword value shoul...
Antoine Quint
2018-07-16 19:34:58 PDT
[Web Animations] Interpolation between font-sizes with a keyword value should be discrete
(31.08 KB, patch)
2018-07-16 19:43 PDT
Antoine Quint
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(33.00 KB, patch)
2018-07-16 19:59 PDT
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(31.18 KB, patch)
2018-07-17 09:18 PDT
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(32.96 KB, patch)
2018-07-17 10:54 PDT
Antoine Quint
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Archive of layout-test-results from ews102 for mac-sierra
(2.91 MB, application/zip)
2018-07-17 11:59 PDT
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Archive of layout-test-results from ews107 for mac-sierra-wk2
(3.06 MB, application/zip)
2018-07-17 12:01 PDT
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Archive of layout-test-results from ews122 for ios-simulator-wk2
(2.37 MB, application/zip)
2018-07-17 12:44 PDT
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Archive of layout-test-results from ews115 for mac-sierra
(3.29 MB, application/zip)
2018-07-17 13:10 PDT
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(33.66 KB, patch)
2018-07-17 14:51 PDT
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(34.50 KB, patch)
2018-07-17 16:10 PDT
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Archive of layout-test-results from ews116 for mac-sierra
(3.19 MB, application/zip)
2018-07-17 18:04 PDT
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Archive of layout-test-results from ews205 for win-future
(13.04 MB, application/zip)
2018-07-18 00:29 PDT
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(45.39 KB, patch)
2018-07-18 12:13 PDT
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(45.39 KB, patch)
2018-07-18 13:04 PDT
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2018-07-18 14:19 PDT
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Antoine Quint
Comment 1
2018-07-16 19:43:23 PDT
attachment 345139
Antoine Quint
Comment 2
2018-07-16 19:59:19 PDT
attachment 345140
Antoine Quint
Comment 3
2018-07-17 09:18:17 PDT
attachment 345156
Antoine Quint
Comment 4
2018-07-17 10:54:53 PDT
attachment 345169
EWS Watchlist
Comment 5
2018-07-17 11:59:41 PDT
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attachment 345169
Attachment 345169
did not pass mac-ews (mac): Output:
New failing tests: fast/text/font-face-javascript.html fast/text/font-selection-font-loading-api-parse.html accessibility/mac/search-predicate.html fast/text/font-face-empty-string.html accessibility/mac/search-predicate-plaintext.html
EWS Watchlist
Comment 6
2018-07-17 11:59:42 PDT
attachment 345176
Archive of layout-test-results from ews102 for mac-sierra The attached test failures were seen while running run-webkit-tests on the mac-ews. Bot: ews102 Port: mac-sierra Platform: Mac OS X 10.12.6
EWS Watchlist
Comment 7
2018-07-17 12:01:27 PDT
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attachment 345169
Attachment 345169
did not pass mac-wk2-ews (mac-wk2): Output:
New failing tests: fast/text/font-face-javascript.html fast/text/font-selection-font-loading-api-parse.html accessibility/mac/search-predicate.html fast/text/font-face-empty-string.html accessibility/mac/search-predicate-plaintext.html
EWS Watchlist
Comment 8
2018-07-17 12:01:29 PDT
attachment 345178
Archive of layout-test-results from ews107 for mac-sierra-wk2 The attached test failures were seen while running run-webkit-tests on the mac-wk2-ews. Bot: ews107 Port: mac-sierra-wk2 Platform: Mac OS X 10.12.6
EWS Watchlist
Comment 9
2018-07-17 12:44:13 PDT
Comment on
attachment 345169
Attachment 345169
did not pass ios-sim-ews (ios-simulator-wk2): Output:
New failing tests: fast/text/font-face-javascript.html fast/text/font-selection-font-loading-api-parse.html fast/text/font-face-empty-string.html
EWS Watchlist
Comment 10
2018-07-17 12:44:15 PDT
attachment 345182
Archive of layout-test-results from ews122 for ios-simulator-wk2 The attached test failures were seen while running run-webkit-tests on the ios-sim-ews. Bot: ews122 Port: ios-simulator-wk2 Platform: Mac OS X 10.13.4
EWS Watchlist
Comment 11
2018-07-17 13:10:35 PDT
Comment on
attachment 345169
Attachment 345169
did not pass mac-debug-ews (mac): Output:
New failing tests: fast/text/font-face-javascript.html fast/text/font-selection-font-loading-api-parse.html accessibility/mac/search-predicate.html fast/text/font-face-empty-string.html accessibility/mac/search-predicate-plaintext.html
EWS Watchlist
Comment 12
2018-07-17 13:10:37 PDT
attachment 345184
Archive of layout-test-results from ews115 for mac-sierra The attached test failures were seen while running run-webkit-tests on the mac-debug-ews. Bot: ews115 Port: mac-sierra Platform: Mac OS X 10.12.6
Antoine Quint
Comment 13
2018-07-17 14:51:04 PDT
attachment 345193
Antoine Quint
Comment 14
2018-07-17 16:10:36 PDT
attachment 345205
Myles C. Maxfield
Comment 15
2018-07-17 17:27:36 PDT
Comment on
attachment 345205
Patch View in context:
> Source/WebCore/ChangeLog:3 > + [Web Animations] Interpolation between font-sizes with a keyword value should be discrete
> Source/WebCore/ChangeLog:8 > + Animating between "font-size: normal" and another value should yield a discrete interpolation where the from-value
"from-value" is "normal" here.
> Source/WebCore/ChangeLog:12 > + from an "oblique" value, we implement a custom PropertyWrapper for the "font-size" property where we ensure the
> Source/WebCore/ChangeLog:15 > + base value for "normal".
What about blending from "italic" to "oblique"?
> Source/WebCore/accessibility/AccessibilityRenderObject.cpp:3601 > + && !isItalic(style.fontDescription().italic())
I don't think this is the same. Before it was comparing to 0, but now you're comparing to 20.
> Source/WebCore/css/CSSComputedStyleDeclaration.cpp:2043 > + return fontNonKeywordStyleFromStyleValue(italic.value());
Seems kind of brittle, relying on fontStyleKeyword() to catch the case where italic is nullopt.
> Source/WebCore/css/CSSFontFaceSet.cpp:317 > + auto styleSelectionValue = StyleBuilderConverter::convertFontStyleFromValue(*styleValue);
What about lines 315-316?
> Source/WebCore/css/FontSelectionValueInlines.h:126 > + if (!style || style.value() == normalItalicValue())
Now that we can distinguish between "font-style: oblique 0deg" and "font-style: normal", I think this is not correct. I think it should be "if (!style)". We should add a layout test to make sure getComputedStyle(normal) is not the same as getComputedStyle(oblique 0deg).
> Source/WebCore/css/FontSelectionValueInlines.h:133 > inline std::optional<FontSelectionValue> fontStyleValue(CSSValueID value)
I think this function is never called. It should be deleted.
> Source/WebCore/css/StyleBuilderConverter.h:1205 > +inline std::optional<FontSelectionValue> StyleBuilderConverter::convertFontStyleFromValue(const CSSValue& value)
This is a little confusing because a naive programmer would think "optional" means that the CSSValue is some unexpected Value. We should add a comment or something to say that the input value needs to parsed and valid, and if the function returns nullopt that means the input said "normal".
> Source/WebCore/css/StyleBuilderConverter.h:1211 > if (valueID == CSSValueNormal)
Please add a FIXME saying that an optional is not the best data structure for this. Instead it should be a tri-state (eventually).
> Source/WebCore/page/animation/CSSPropertyAnimation.cpp:418 > +static inline std::optional<FontSelectionValue> blendFunc(const CSSPropertyBlendingClient* anim, std::optional<FontSelectionValue> from, std::optional<FontSelectionValue> to, double progress)
This is kind of unfortunate because there's nothing saying this is specific to font-style (and therefore nullopt has this special meaning).
> Source/WebCore/page/animation/CSSPropertyAnimation.cpp:420 > + if (!from || !to)
What about blending from italic to oblique?
> Source/WebCore/page/animation/CSSPropertyAnimation.cpp:1465 > + if (!fromFontItalic || !toFontItalic)
What about blending from italic to oblique?
> Source/WebCore/page/animation/CSSPropertyAnimation.cpp:1466 > + blendedStyleAxis = (progress < 0.5 ? from : to)->fontDescription().fontStyleAxis();
Why the inequality? The axis gets ignored (inside blendFunc()) if progress < 0.5, so you might as well set it correctly no matter what progress is.
> Source/WebCore/page/animation/CSSPropertyAnimation.cpp:1470 > + description.setItalic(blendFunc(anim, fromFontItalic, toFontItalic, progress));
Is the blendFunc() actually needed? Can't you just do it here? That would make sure the blending is associated with font-style and not any optional<FontSelectionValue>.
> Source/WebCore/platform/graphics/FontCache.h:113 > + hasher.add(m_fontSelectionRequest.slope.value_or(normalItalicValue()));
I think we should distinguish between normal and oblique 0deg. It's just good hygiene to make me less likely to create a bug when I modify this code in the future.
> Source/WebCore/platform/graphics/FontCascade.h:155 > + std::optional<FontSelectionValue> italic() const { return m_fontDescription.italic(); }
Again, a comment might be helpful to describe what nullopt means.
> Source/WebCore/platform/graphics/FontDescription.cpp:-58 > - : m_fontSelectionRequest { FontCascadeDescription::initialWeight(), FontCascadeDescription::initialStretch(), FontCascadeDescription::initialItalic() }
Shouldn't we make initialItalic() return nullopt?
> Source/WebCore/platform/graphics/FontDescription.cpp:98 > + if (isItalic) > + setItalic(italicValue()); > + else > + setItalic(std::nullopt);
Is this really better than the ternary?
> Source/WebCore/platform/graphics/FontDescription.h:-301 > - static FontSelectionValue initialItalic() { return normalItalicValue(); }
I would just change the type of this.
> Source/WebCore/platform/graphics/FontSelectionAlgorithm.cpp:69 > + auto requestSlope = m_request.slope.value_or(normalItalicValue());
> Source/WebCore/platform/graphics/FontSelectionAlgorithm.h:346 > +inline TextStream& operator<<(TextStream& ts, const FontSelectionValue& fontSelectionValue) > +{ > + ts << TextStream::FormatNumberRespectingIntegers(fontSelectionValue.rawValue()); > + return ts; > +}
Why wasn't this necessary before?
> Source/WebCore/platform/graphics/FontSelectionAlgorithm.h:354 > +inline bool operator==(const FontSelectionRequest& a, const FontSelectionRequest& b)
Does the build fail if you change this back?
> Source/WebCore/platform/graphics/FontSelectionAlgorithm.h:359 > +inline bool operator!=(const FontSelectionRequest& a, const FontSelectionRequest& b)
Does the build fail if you change this back?
> Source/WebCore/platform/graphics/win/FontCacheWin.cpp:-626 > - auto hfont = createGDIFont(family, weight, fontDescription.italic(),
Oh, jeez, this was silently comparing to 0 because of the implicit operator float() inside FontSelectionValue? Scary. Thanks for fixing!
> Source/WebKitLegacy/win/DOMCoreClasses.cpp:1298 > + webFontDescription->italic = fontDescription.italic() && fontDescription.italic().value();
Pretty sure you want isItalic()
> LayoutTests/imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/web-animations/animation-model/animation-types/discrete-expected.txt:6 > -FAIL Test animating discrete values assert_equals: Animation produces 'from' value just before the middle of the interval expected "normal" but got "oblique 9.75deg" > +PASS Test animating discrete values > PASS Test discrete animation is used when interpolation fails > PASS Test discrete animation is used only for pairs of values that cannot be interpolated > -FAIL Test the 50% switch point for discrete animation is based on the effect easing assert_equals: Animation produces 'from' value at 94% of the iteration time expected "normal" but got "oblique 8.5deg" > -FAIL Test the 50% switch point for discrete animation is based on the keyframe easing assert_equals: Animation produces 'from' value at 94% of the iteration time expected "normal" but got "oblique 8.5deg" > +PASS Test the 50% switch point for discrete animation is based on the effect easing > +PASS Test the 50% switch point for discrete animation is based on the keyframe easing
Myles C. Maxfield
Comment 16
2018-07-17 17:31:10 PDT
my biggest concern is that saying optional<FontSelectionValue> makes it sound like there may not be a FontSelectionValue, rather than a FontSelectionValue with a sentinel value
EWS Watchlist
Comment 17
2018-07-17 18:04:09 PDT
Comment on
attachment 345205
Attachment 345205
did not pass mac-debug-ews (mac): Output:
New failing tests: http/wpt/crypto/rsa-pss-crash.any.html
EWS Watchlist
Comment 18
2018-07-17 18:04:10 PDT
attachment 345214
Archive of layout-test-results from ews116 for mac-sierra The attached test failures were seen while running run-webkit-tests on the mac-debug-ews. Bot: ews116 Port: mac-sierra Platform: Mac OS X 10.12.6
Myles C. Maxfield
Comment 19
2018-07-17 18:25:30 PDT
Comment on
attachment 345205
Patch View in context:
>> Source/WebCore/accessibility/AccessibilityRenderObject.cpp:3601 >> + && !isItalic(style.fontDescription().italic()) > > I don't think this is the same. Before it was comparing to 0, but now you're comparing to 20.
EWS Watchlist
Comment 20
2018-07-18 00:29:16 PDT
Comment on
attachment 345205
Attachment 345205
did not pass win-ews (win): Output:
New failing tests: http/tests/security/canvas-remote-read-remote-video-blocked-no-crossorigin.html
EWS Watchlist
Comment 21
2018-07-18 00:29:30 PDT
attachment 345231
Archive of layout-test-results from ews205 for win-future The attached test failures were seen while running run-webkit-tests on the win-ews. Bot: ews205 Port: win-future Platform: CYGWIN_NT-6.1-2.9.0-0.318-5-3-x86_64-64bit
Antoine Quint
Comment 22
2018-07-18 12:00:06 PDT
(In reply to Myles C. Maxfield from
comment #15
> Comment on
attachment 345205
> Patch > > View in context: >
> > > Source/WebCore/ChangeLog:15 > > + base value for "normal". > > What about blending from "italic" to "oblique"?
Yes, "italic" as either the from or to value should yield a discrete animation. I will update this patch to cover this case, which is covered by more WPT tests so we can get more progressions!
> > Source/WebCore/accessibility/AccessibilityRenderObject.cpp:3601 > > + && !isItalic(style.fontDescription().italic()) > > I don't think this is the same. Before it was comparing to 0, but now you're > comparing to 20.
Discussed this in person, this is correct, the ! here was important.
> > Source/WebCore/css/CSSComputedStyleDeclaration.cpp:2043 > > + return fontNonKeywordStyleFromStyleValue(italic.value()); > > Seems kind of brittle, relying on fontStyleKeyword() to catch the case where > italic is nullopt.
Do you suggest an explicit !italic check? If so, what should the fallback be?
> > Source/WebCore/css/CSSFontFaceSet.cpp:317 > > + auto styleSelectionValue = StyleBuilderConverter::convertFontStyleFromValue(*styleValue); > > What about lines 315-316?
Will switch them to "auto" as well in a new patch.
> > Source/WebCore/css/FontSelectionValueInlines.h:126 > > + if (!style || style.value() == normalItalicValue()) > > Now that we can distinguish between "font-style: oblique 0deg" and > "font-style: normal", I think this is not correct. I think it should be "if > (!style)". We should add a layout test to make sure getComputedStyle(normal) > is not the same as getComputedStyle(oblique 0deg).
With the current state of this patch, they are, which is unchanged behavior. But yes, we should be able to distinguish that now. I did some testing in Firefox Nightly and Chrome Canary and there are inconsistencies with "oblique 0", "oblique 0deg" and "oblique 20deg". This is likely worthy of a new WPT test if none exists. At any rate, I think this should be covered as a targeted followup.
> > Source/WebCore/css/FontSelectionValueInlines.h:133 > > inline std::optional<FontSelectionValue> fontStyleValue(CSSValueID value) > > I think this function is never called. It should be deleted.
Indeed, removing in an updated patch.
> > Source/WebCore/css/StyleBuilderConverter.h:1205 > > +inline std::optional<FontSelectionValue> StyleBuilderConverter::convertFontStyleFromValue(const CSSValue& value) > > This is a little confusing because a naive programmer would think "optional" > means that the CSSValue is some unexpected Value. We should add a comment or > something to say that the input value needs to parsed and valid, and if the > function returns nullopt that means the input said "normal".
Will add a comment to that effect in an updated patch.
> > Source/WebCore/css/StyleBuilderConverter.h:1211 > > if (valueID == CSSValueNormal) > > Please add a FIXME saying that an optional is not the best data structure > for this. Instead it should be a tri-state (eventually).
I added one in FontSelectionRequest for the slope value with a link to
> > Source/WebCore/page/animation/CSSPropertyAnimation.cpp:418 > > +static inline std::optional<FontSelectionValue> blendFunc(const CSSPropertyBlendingClient* anim, std::optional<FontSelectionValue> from, std::optional<FontSelectionValue> to, double progress) > > This is kind of unfortunate because there's nothing saying this is specific > to font-style (and therefore nullopt has this special meaning).
I'll add a comment here to explain it's the dedicated blendFunc for that property.
> > Source/WebCore/page/animation/CSSPropertyAnimation.cpp:420 > > + if (!from || !to) > > What about blending from italic to oblique? > > > Source/WebCore/page/animation/CSSPropertyAnimation.cpp:1465 > > + if (!fromFontItalic || !toFontItalic) > > What about blending from italic to oblique?
I will introduce a canInterpolate() method for PropertyWrapperFontStyle which will take care of that.
> > Source/WebCore/page/animation/CSSPropertyAnimation.cpp:1466 > > + blendedStyleAxis = (progress < 0.5 ? from : to)->fontDescription().fontStyleAxis(); > > Why the inequality? The axis gets ignored (inside blendFunc()) if progress < > 0.5, so you might as well set it correctly no matter what progress is.
We discussed this in person, and now that we need to handle discrete animations not just when a "normal" value is present, but also an "italic" value, this is the right approach.
> > Source/WebCore/page/animation/CSSPropertyAnimation.cpp:1470 > > + description.setItalic(blendFunc(anim, fromFontItalic, toFontItalic, progress)); > > Is the blendFunc() actually needed? Can't you just do it here? That would > make sure the blending is associated with font-style and not any > optional<FontSelectionValue>.
Actually, we do need the blendFunc as part of the CSSPropertyAnimation machinery. However, I will update the blendFunc to not have the discrete animation part so that it's generic.
> > Source/WebCore/platform/graphics/FontCache.h:113 > > + hasher.add(m_fontSelectionRequest.slope.value_or(normalItalicValue())); > > I think we should distinguish between normal and oblique 0deg. It's just > good hygiene to make me less likely to create a bug when I modify this code > in the future.
I think we should handle this in the followup where we tackle the computed style issue above.
> > Source/WebCore/platform/graphics/FontCascade.h:155 > > + std::optional<FontSelectionValue> italic() const { return m_fontDescription.italic(); } > > Again, a comment might be helpful to describe what nullopt means. > > > Source/WebCore/platform/graphics/FontDescription.cpp:-58 > > - : m_fontSelectionRequest { FontCascadeDescription::initialWeight(), FontCascadeDescription::initialStretch(), FontCascadeDescription::initialItalic() } > > Shouldn't we make initialItalic() return nullopt?
I suppose we could do that as well. Will change in an upcoming patch.
> > Source/WebCore/platform/graphics/FontDescription.cpp:98 > > + if (isItalic) > > + setItalic(italicValue()); > > + else > > + setItalic(std::nullopt); > > Is this really better than the ternary?
I'll use a ternary with explicit std::optional<FontSelectionValue> constructors and move the function back to the header file.
> > Source/WebCore/platform/graphics/FontDescription.h:-301 > > - static FontSelectionValue initialItalic() { return normalItalicValue(); } > > I would just change the type of this. > > > Source/WebCore/platform/graphics/FontSelectionAlgorithm.cpp:69 > > + auto requestSlope = m_request.slope.value_or(normalItalicValue()); > > Cool. > > > Source/WebCore/platform/graphics/FontSelectionAlgorithm.h:346 > > +inline TextStream& operator<<(TextStream& ts, const FontSelectionValue& fontSelectionValue) > > +{ > > + ts << TextStream::FormatNumberRespectingIntegers(fontSelectionValue.rawValue()); > > + return ts; > > +} > > Why wasn't this necessary before?
Honestly, I'm not certain.
> > Source/WebCore/platform/graphics/FontSelectionAlgorithm.h:354 > > +inline bool operator==(const FontSelectionRequest& a, const FontSelectionRequest& b) > > Does the build fail if you change this back?
> > Source/WebCore/platform/graphics/FontSelectionAlgorithm.h:359 > > +inline bool operator!=(const FontSelectionRequest& a, const FontSelectionRequest& b) > > Does the build fail if you change this back?
> > Source/WebCore/platform/graphics/win/FontCacheWin.cpp:-626 > > - auto hfont = createGDIFont(family, weight, fontDescription.italic(), > > Oh, jeez, this was silently comparing to 0 because of the implicit operator > float() inside FontSelectionValue? Scary. > > Thanks for fixing! > > > Source/WebKitLegacy/win/DOMCoreClasses.cpp:1298 > > + webFontDescription->italic = fontDescription.italic() && fontDescription.italic().value(); > > Pretty sure you want isItalic()
That would be better.
> > LayoutTests/imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/web-animations/animation-model/animation-types/discrete-expected.txt:6 > > -FAIL Test animating discrete values assert_equals: Animation produces 'from' value just before the middle of the interval expected "normal" but got "oblique 9.75deg" > > +PASS Test animating discrete values > > PASS Test discrete animation is used when interpolation fails > > PASS Test discrete animation is used only for pairs of values that cannot be interpolated > > -FAIL Test the 50% switch point for discrete animation is based on the effect easing assert_equals: Animation produces 'from' value at 94% of the iteration time expected "normal" but got "oblique 8.5deg" > > -FAIL Test the 50% switch point for discrete animation is based on the keyframe easing assert_equals: Animation produces 'from' value at 94% of the iteration time expected "normal" but got "oblique 8.5deg" > > +PASS Test the 50% switch point for discrete animation is based on the effect easing > > +PASS Test the 50% switch point for discrete animation is based on the keyframe easing > > YYYYAAAAYYYYYYYAYAYAYAYAY
Antoine Quint
Comment 23
2018-07-18 12:13:00 PDT
attachment 345269
Antoine Quint
Comment 24
2018-07-18 13:04:05 PDT
attachment 345273
Antoine Quint
Comment 25
2018-07-18 14:19:45 PDT
attachment 345283
Antoine Quint
Comment 26
2018-07-18 15:23:35 PDT
: <
Radar WebKit Bug Importer
Comment 27
2018-07-18 15:25:32 PDT
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