REGRESSION(r232868): [GTK] Broke layout test animations/transition-and-animation-3.html
Summary REGRESSION(r232868): [GTK] Broke layout test animations/transition-and-animat...
Michael Catanzaro
Reported 2018-06-15 09:08:04 PDT
r232868 "[Web Animations] CSS Animations should take precedence over CSS Transitions" broke layout test animations/transition-and-animation-3.html on the GTK bot: --- /home/slave/webkitgtk/gtk-linux-64-release-tests/build/layout-test-results/animations/transition-and-animation-3-expected.txt +++ /home/slave/webkitgtk/gtk-linux-64-release-tests/build/layout-test-results/animations/transition-and-animation-3-actual.txt @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ Once animation has finished, box should be running left transition from 100px to 200px. -PASS - "left" property for "test" element at 0.2s saw something close to: 100 +FAIL - "left" property for "test" element at 0.2s expected: 100 but saw: 500.015625
Antoine Quint
Comment 1 2018-06-15 13:05:14 PDT
FYI, I believe this test to be incorrect and will likely modify it as part of
Michael Catanzaro
Comment 2 2018-06-15 14:58:19 PDT
OK thanks! Please remove our failure expectation and close this bug when you do.
Alicia Boya García
Comment 3 2018-06-20 09:13:49 PDT
At r232943:r232946 it became a timeout.
Carlos Garcia Campos
Comment 4 2018-07-05 01:43:39 PDT
Fixed in r233512
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