Errors/warnings in Inspector should be visible outside of Resources
Summary Errors/warnings in Inspector should be visible outside of Resources
Matt Lilek
Reported 2008-04-20 21:51:14 PDT
I don't know if there is already something in mind for this, but there should definitely be some sort of visual indication of errors on the page in the inspector (Syntax errors, undefined values, etc) without looking at the Resources pane. Perhaps the icon on the console button could be red (and then switch back to black/blue until another error occurs)?
patch v1 with ChangeLog (13.01 KB, patch)
2008-05-14 17:31 PDT, Adam Roben (:aroben)
no flags
screenshot with attachment 21144 applied (141.29 KB, image/png)
2008-05-14 17:32 PDT, Adam Roben (:aroben)
no flags
Adam Roben (:aroben)
Comment 1 2008-04-20 22:13:45 PDT
I think we could do something similar to Firebug/Xcode and put an error/warning count in the status bar.
Adam Roben (:aroben)
Comment 2 2008-05-13 08:27:31 PDT
*** Bug 19029 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Adam Roben (:aroben)
Comment 3 2008-05-13 08:27:48 PDT
Adam Roben (:aroben)
Comment 4 2008-05-14 17:31:49 PDT
Created attachment 21144 [details] patch v1 with ChangeLog
Adam Roben (:aroben)
Comment 5 2008-05-14 17:32:13 PDT
Created attachment 21145 [details] screenshot with attachment 21144 [details] applied
Adam Roben (:aroben)
Comment 6 2008-05-14 17:32:48 PDT
I think ideally we'd show the error/warning count all the way on the right. But I couldn't figure out how to do that and make the DOM breadcrumb aware of the space taken up by the count. Maybe Tim will know how to do this.
Adam Roben (:aroben)
Comment 7 2008-05-14 17:37:13 PDT
Comment on attachment 21144 [details] patch v1 with ChangeLog I forgot to include the changes to localizedStrings.js in this patch, but I've fixed that locally.
Timothy Hatcher
Comment 8 2008-05-14 18:49:26 PDT
Hmm. I agree showing the all the way to the right would be best. So ElementsPanel.js:517: function crumbsAreSmallerThanContainer() { var rightPadding = 20; return ((crumbs.totalOffsetLeft + crumbs.offsetWidth + rightPadding) < window.innerWidth); } That rightPadding value could be dynamic based on the size of the error/waring count container.
Timothy Hatcher
Comment 9 2008-05-16 10:40:08 PDT
Comment on attachment 21144 [details] patch v1 with ChangeLog I have a revised patch to put the counts on the right of the status bar.
Timothy Hatcher
Comment 10 2008-05-16 13:48:41 PDT
Landed in r33525.
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