In Epiphany, visit either of these resources, then right click and "Save Page As": Audio: Video: Don't use "Save Video As" since that works fine. If you instead use "Save Page As" the browser will crash due to bug #186276. But with the patch from that bug to fix the crash, it still fails to download the media. I've been debugging a little bit: * In WebPage::getMainResourceDataOfFrame, frame->coreFrame()->loader().documentLoader() returns a valid DocumentLoader, but then loader->mainResourceData() returns nullptr. Bad. Turns out DoucmentLoader::m_mainResourceData is nullptr. * Why? Not sure, I haven't dived in deep enough. But it seems that webkitWebViewResourceLoadStarted (in WebKitWebView.cpp) gets called *three* times, instead of once, as I would expect. WebKitWebView assumes the first resource load is the main resource, which seems like it should be a safe assumption, but I'm going to guess that the real main resource is the third one (not sure). Looks like something weird is going on inside WebCore. Requires further investigation.
BTW what Epiphany is doing here is (1) webkit_web_view_get_main_resource() then (2) webkit_web_resource_get_data().
I can't reproduce this with Ephy TP 3.33.4-29-gf6bb1bce5 and I doubt it's related with GStreamer anyway.
This one is fixed!
Reopening. I closed this in error; it's not fixed after all. Since r243608, the files are now "successfully" downloaded instead of crashing the UI process, but they are one-byte files containing only a NULL byte.