Hixie's adhoc/dom/core/001.xml fails
Summary Hixie's adhoc/dom/core/001.xml fails
Reported 2008-04-18 18:39:46 PDT
I Steps: Go to II Issue: Test result shows text instead of "Passed" III Conclusion: issue with DOM core: getAttributeNodeNS() IV Other browsers: IE7: not ok, shows xml code on opening the test link FF3: ok Opera9.24: ok V Nightly tested: 32005
Julien Chaffraix
Comment 1 2008-12-21 09:00:14 PST
I have given this bug a try and here are my conclusions: - we get and create the right attributes - but it seems that we fail to update the CSS properties of the node after having added the attribute with setAttributeNS(). I have also found that if I save the file and use it on a local server, the test passes. I am not sure what the issue exactly is but it seems related to CSS and not to the DOM. Updated the bug's attributes to reflect my testing.
Brent Fulgham
Comment 2 2022-07-11 15:46:58 PDT
This works properly (in 2022).
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