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CSS filter property with feColorMatrix on moving elements does not work
CSS filter property with feColorMatrix on moving elements does not work
Alex Fallenstedt
2018-04-13 11:51:19 PDT
attachment 337912
Safari - Video on top and image on bottom both using filter(#blue-tint) Hello, I am attempting to apply a filter color using an svg. I have discovered that this technique works well in Firefox, Chrome, but not Safari. You can see the example here:
I created an svg with an 'feColorMatrix' property to create a transparent blue overlay that I can use in the filter property of the video element. I have noticed that this technique works well if it's applied on a still image, like an <img> or a <video> placeholder, but does not get applied to the video.
Safari - Video on top and image on bottom both using filter(#blue-tint)
(305.50 KB, image/png)
2018-04-13 11:51 PDT
Alex Fallenstedt
no flags
Expected behavior - Video element and img both apply filter with svg
(2.19 MB, image/gif)
2018-04-13 11:52 PDT
Alex Fallenstedt
no flags
Actual behavior - In Safari, video element ignores filter(#blue-tint)
(2.33 MB, image/gif)
2018-04-13 11:54 PDT
Alex Fallenstedt
no flags
example comparing blue-wash SVG filter over video
(398.64 KB, image/jpeg)
2022-02-15 10:46 PST
Stephen Bannasch
no flags
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Alex Fallenstedt
Comment 1
2018-04-13 11:52:43 PDT
attachment 337913
Expected behavior - Video element and img both apply filter with svg
Alex Fallenstedt
Comment 2
2018-04-13 11:54:22 PDT
attachment 337914
Actual behavior - In Safari, video element ignores filter(#blue-tint) Video element on top, image element on bottom
Radar WebKit Bug Importer
Comment 3
2018-04-16 09:24:11 PDT
Alex Fallenstedt
Comment 4
2018-04-16 09:57:32 PDT
Further investigation proves that you can apply filters properly to still images. But if you attempt to apply a filter to a moving image, it breaks only in Safari.
Simon Fraser (smfr)
Comment 5
2018-04-16 10:00:32 PDT
The issue here is that WebKit doesn't support references to SVG filters when doing "accelerated" filters. This is a shame, since there's no way to do a color matrix via a CSS filter.
Alex Fallenstedt
Comment 6
2018-04-16 10:16:01 PDT
@smfr Am I not using a color matrix with an accelerated filter here? This example uses a still image that is turning blue and works perfectly on Safari.
A video does not produce a similar behavior on safari
Simon Fraser (smfr)
Comment 7
2018-04-16 10:18:25 PDT
There are two filter codepaths; one for static content, and another if we call into the compositing ("accelerated") code path. The url(#foobar) stuff doesn't work in the second case.
Alex Fallenstedt
Comment 8
2018-04-16 10:22:11 PDT
@smfr Ah, that makes sense. Thank you for the clarification.
Alec Larson
Comment 9
2020-07-24 10:35:08 PDT
Here's another reproduction:
Stephen Bannasch
Comment 10
2022-02-15 10:20:27 PST
Also came across this bug trying to apply and svg feColorMatrix filter to an element containing a video. Works everywhere else.
Stephen Bannasch
Comment 11
2022-02-15 10:28:31 PST
Here's the very ugly hack I'm using to make something work on Safari: .fixed-video-container { visibility: visible; opacity: 1; filter: url(#blue-wash); @media not all and (min-resolution: 0.001dpcm) { @supports (-webkit-appearance: none) { filter: sepia(100%) hue-rotate(145deg) saturate(400%) brightness(100%) contrast(25%); } } }
Stephen Bannasch
Comment 12
2022-02-15 10:46:02 PST
attachment 452051
example comparing blue-wash SVG filter over video To get some equivalent on Safari. html: <svg> <filter id="blue-wash"> <feColorMatrix type="matrix" values="0.36 0 0 0 0 0 0.75 0 0 0 0 0 0.82 0 0 0 0 0 0.2 0" /> </filter> </svg> css: .fixed-video-container { visibility: visible; opacity: 1; filter: url(#blue-wash); @media not all and (min-resolution: 0.001dpcm) { @supports (-webkit-appearance: none) { filter: sepia(100%) hue-rotate(145deg) saturate(400%) brightness(100%) contrast(25%); } } }
Simon Fraser (smfr)
Comment 13
2022-02-15 10:47:52 PST
You'll generally get better performance when animating the CSS filter properties, so it's better to use those than referencing SVG filters.
Stephen Bannasch
Comment 14
2022-02-15 10:51:16 PST
(In reply to Simon Fraser (smfr) from
comment #13
> You'll generally get better performance when animating the CSS filter > properties, so it's better to use those than referencing SVG filters.
It's hard to get the color of the blue-washed filtering my client wants for the video using just the CSS properties. I can get close but the SVG filter can easily get to the look they want. The image attachment shows the difference.
Yehonatan Daniv
Comment 15
2022-05-01 05:06:00 PDT
@smfr it seems that Webkit is unable to render *any* <*-source> effect on Video, be it mask, clip-path, filter, etc. This has been broken for a long time now, and some already work in other browsers, i.e: filter and clip-path work in Gecko and Blink. Gecko also renders mask. Is there a chance we can get this path fixed?
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