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[GTK] Some Amazon ads cause WebKit to hang
[GTK] Some Amazon ads cause WebKit to hang
Don Swaner
2018-03-07 07:27:16 PST
Some Amazon ads cause WebKit to hang with 99% cpu usage - as shown by "top" command for WebKitProces. Fedora Linux: epiphany-runtime-3.26.6-1.fc27.x86_64 webkitgtk4-2.18.6-1.fc27.x86_64 RedHat Linux Bugzilla 1551610 - epiphany (WebKit) hangs with 99% cpu for certain web pages Bug is very reproducible. Steps to reproduce: 1) Turn off ad blocking in epiphany browser 2) Go to URL
This URL is not unique - it is the ads which are causing the hang - viewing other Kindle books (and probably other items) will also cause a hang (sometimes). Not all ads may cause a hang.
Amazon web page files zipped
(4.73 MB, text/html)
2018-03-10 04:14 PST
Don Swaner
no flags
Amazon web page html
(969.55 KB, text/html)
2018-03-10 04:20 PST
Don Swaner
no flags
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Michael Catanzaro
Comment 1
2018-03-07 07:45:30 PST
I've seen this before, with ads on other webpages (I don't remember where). (In reply to Don Swaner from
comment #0
> Not all ads may cause a hang.
But this is the problem. I can't reproduce it now, because Amazon is not sending me the ads that trigger this. So this might be really hard to track down.
Don Swaner
Comment 2
2018-03-07 09:00:00 PST
If in epiphany I clear all Amazon cookies, and if I am not signed in to Amazon, and I click on a Kindle title, such as "True Fiction" by Lee Goldberg, I get the hang. I'm not sure if Amazon has some mechanism to track my browsing history, in spite of no cookes and in spite of not being signed in - or whether the ads are being randomly assigned (maybe by geographic location) and I just seem to attract ads which WebKit can't handle. Maybe Amazon is tracking me via hostname or IP address? On the same PC, I also have Firefox installed, and have an extensive history with Amazon - so maybe it's the .mozilla cookies, that java script (?) is somehow reading? Or not.
Don Swaner
Comment 3
2018-03-10 04:14:29 PST
attachment 335509
Amazon web page files zipped Page loads OK
Don Swaner
Comment 4
2018-03-10 04:20:06 PST
attachment 335510
Amazon web page html This web page was viewed in Firefox and saved as complete web page. The saved html file loads fine in epiphany - the ads display OK, including animation. However, when I try to load the same page directly from Amazon in epiphany, it hangs.
Don Swaner
Comment 5
2018-04-15 07:34:32 PDT
With webkitgtk4-2.20.0-1.fc27.x86_64, the problem is fixed, for me.
Don Swaner
Comment 6
2018-04-21 15:51:40 PDT
The WebKit hanging with 99% cpu usage has recurred. As before, the problem is intermittent, apparently depending on which Amazon kindle ebook is being browsed with epiphany and/or which ads are being shown. Recently this problem has been occurring only rarely - possibly due to a change in the ads being sent to my browser - so maybe the problem was not really fixed before. Currently running webkitgtk4-2.20.1-1.fc27.x86_64
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