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[Curl] Bug fix on suspend/resume behavior.
[Curl] Bug fix on suspend/resume behavior.
Basuke Suzuki
2018-02-23 11:41:57 PST
1. Asser error occured when suspend called in CurlRequest::setupTransfer(). Because CurlRequest::setupTransfer() is called on worker thread. 2. CurlRequest that construct with enabled defferLoading flag doesn't resume when resume called before CurlRequest::setupTransfer(). Because m_shouldSuspend flag doesn't change after construct.
(1.29 KB, patch)
2018-02-23 12:03 PST
Basuke Suzuki
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(1.50 KB, patch)
2018-05-08 15:08 PDT
Basuke Suzuki
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(11.40 KB, patch)
2018-05-16 15:13 PDT
Basuke Suzuki
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FIX spacing
(11.33 KB, patch)
2018-05-16 15:22 PDT
Basuke Suzuki
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(12.50 KB, patch)
2018-05-17 12:11 PDT
Basuke Suzuki
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(12.72 KB, patch)
2018-05-17 12:30 PDT
Basuke Suzuki
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Archive of layout-test-results from ews202 for win-future
(12.86 MB, application/zip)
2018-05-17 19:42 PDT
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(14.06 KB, patch)
2018-05-17 23:45 PDT
Basuke Suzuki
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Archive of layout-test-results from ews204 for win-future
(12.76 MB, application/zip)
2018-05-18 06:44 PDT
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(14.09 KB, patch)
2018-05-18 10:48 PDT
Basuke Suzuki
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Basuke Suzuki
Comment 1
2018-02-23 12:03:20 PST
attachment 334541
patch Bug fix
Don Olmstead
Comment 2
2018-02-23 12:09:08 PST
Comment on
attachment 334541
patch View in context:
> Source/WebCore/platform/network/curl/CurlRequest.cpp:141 > + m_shouldSuspend = false; > setRequestPaused(false);
Looks fine just curious if the m_shouldSuspend should live in setRequestPaused
Alex Christensen
Comment 3
2018-03-15 13:30:31 PDT
Comment on
attachment 334541
patch View in context:
> Source/WebCore/platform/network/curl/CurlRequest.cpp:-132 > - ASSERT(isMainThread());
Could this be changed to ASSERT(!isMainThread()); ? It seems like suspend and resume should be called on the main thread.
Basuke Suzuki
Comment 4
2018-03-15 15:44:28 PDT
Comment on
attachment 334541
patch View in context:
Thank you for reviewing.
>> Source/WebCore/platform/network/curl/CurlRequest.cpp:-132 >> - ASSERT(isMainThread()); > > Could this be changed to ASSERT(!isMainThread()); ? > It seems like suspend and resume should be called on the main thread.
suspend() will be called from background network thread when the request is anync. It will be called when the request is sync.
>> Source/WebCore/platform/network/curl/CurlRequest.cpp:141 >> setRequestPaused(false); > > Looks fine just curious if the m_shouldSuspend should live in setRequestPaused
There's a situation setRequestPaused is called without changing the flag.
Alex Christensen
Comment 5
2018-03-20 14:46:23 PDT
Comment on
attachment 334541
patch View in context:
>>> Source/WebCore/platform/network/curl/CurlRequest.cpp:-132 >>> - ASSERT(isMainThread()); >> >> Could this be changed to ASSERT(!isMainThread()); ? >> It seems like suspend and resume should be called on the main thread. > > suspend() will be called from background network thread when the request is anync. It will be called when the request is sync.
Suspend and resume ought to mirror each other. I think something is wrong if they don't.
Basuke Suzuki
Comment 6
2018-05-08 15:08:16 PDT
attachment 339887
FIX Keep existing suspend/resume pair as is. Change to call internal state change method. Also fix updating the flag for initial suspension.
youenn fablet
Comment 7
2018-05-10 10:41:59 PDT
Comment on
attachment 339887
FIX View in context:
> Source/WebCore/platform/network/curl/CurlRequest.cpp:226 > + setRequestPaused(true);
I guess this change is due to the call being sometimes not done in the main thread. Is it right? If so, I wonder whether this code is thread-safe? Can there be case where setRequestPaused(true) and setRequestPaused(false) are called in the same time in a different thread? Maybe setupTransfer should always be called in the main thread? I also wonder whether we can have some tests related to those changes.
Basuke Suzuki
Comment 8
2018-05-16 15:13:26 PDT
attachment 340529
PATCH Added mutex to protect the status change conflict.
Basuke Suzuki
Comment 9
2018-05-16 15:22:53 PDT
attachment 340530
FIX spacing
youenn fablet
Comment 10
2018-05-17 08:56:52 PDT
Comment on
attachment 340530
FIX spacing View in context:
> Source/WebCore/platform/network/curl/CurlRequest.cpp:116 > + runOnWorkerThreadIfRequired([this, protectedThis = makeRef(*this)]() {
By doing so, there is a chance that CurlRequest will be destroyed in the worker thread. Is it safe to do so?
> Source/WebCore/platform/network/curl/CurlRequest.cpp:154 > +void CurlRequest::runOnMainThread(WTF::Function<void()>&& task)
It does not need to be a method, a static function would be good enough.
Basuke Suzuki
Comment 11
2018-05-17 12:11:19 PDT
attachment 340621
Add descriptive comment
Basuke Suzuki
Comment 12
2018-05-17 12:16:29 PDT
Oh, I didn't notice about your review. I'm fixing that.
Basuke Suzuki
Comment 13
2018-05-17 12:28:07 PDT
(In reply to youenn fablet from
comment #10
> Comment on
attachment 340530
> FIX spacing > > View in context: >
> > > Source/WebCore/platform/network/curl/CurlRequest.cpp:116 > > + runOnWorkerThreadIfRequired([this, protectedThis = makeRef(*this)]() { > > By doing so, there is a chance that CurlRequest will be destroyed in the > worker thread. > Is it safe to do so?
Do you mean from the resource management perspective? If so, that's what we want them to do. Things are prepared in setupTransfer() method except m_request and m_formDataStream which is isolated form others. The method runs in worker thread. It make sense they destroyed in background.
Basuke Suzuki
Comment 14
2018-05-17 12:30:26 PDT
attachment 340625
PATCH Make the method to static function and fix a typo.
youenn fablet
Comment 15
2018-05-17 18:51:14 PDT
Comment on
attachment 340625
PATCH View in context:
> Source/WebCore/platform/network/curl/CurlRequest.cpp:41 > +static void runOnMainThread(WTF::Function<void()>&& task);
No need for WTF::
> Source/WebCore/platform/network/curl/CurlRequest.cpp:148 > setRequestPaused(false);
Maybe these if(isCompletedOrCancelled()) should be done inside setRequestPaused
> Source/WebCore/platform/network/curl/CurlRequest.cpp:157 > task(*this, *client);
Would the following work: task(*this, makeRef(*client))
> Source/WebCore/platform/network/curl/CurlRequest.cpp:376 > + m_handlePaused = true;
I understand that returning CURL_WRITEFUNC_PAUSE will make curl handle be paused, right? If so, that is why m_handlePaused is set to true, right? setCallbackPaused(true) is the only needed to update m_isPausedCallback? That seems okayish but a bit difficult to understand.
> Source/WebCore/platform/network/curl/CurlRequest.cpp:603 > didCompleteTransfer(m_finishedResultCode);
If you have a lot this pattern: if (!m_isSyncRequest) runOnWorkerThread(WTFMove(a)) else a(); Maybe it could be made as a method.
> Source/WebCore/platform/network/curl/CurlRequest.cpp:610 > + LockHolder lock(m_pauseStateMutex);
It seems that isPaused is only used in worker thread. If m_shouldSuspend and m_isPausedOfRequest are only useful in worker thread, maybe it is just better to use runOnWorkerThreadIfRequired inside setRequestPaused/setCallbackPaused to do the actual state updates.
> Source/WebCore/platform/network/curl/CurlRequest.cpp:644 > + */
We usually use // instead of /* */
> Source/WebCore/platform/network/curl/CurlRequest.cpp:672 > + invokeCancel();
Maybe you can just write: runOnMainThread([protectedThis = WTFMove(protectedThis)]() { protectedThis->cancel(); }); You would need to make the embedding lambda mutable
> Source/WebCore/platform/network/curl/CurlRequest.h:109 > + void runOnWorkerThreadIfRequired(WTF::Function<void()>&&);
No longer need for WTF::
> Source/WebCore/platform/network/curl/CurlRequest.h:185 > + bool m_handlePaused { false };
I would rename it to m_isHandlePaused. Since you want to make sure it is only accessed in worker thread, I would tend to add r/w accessors with debug assertions in it. That could make the model clearer.
EWS Watchlist
Comment 16
2018-05-17 19:42:23 PDT
Comment on
attachment 340625
Attachment 340625
did not pass win-ews (win): Output:
New failing tests: http/tests/security/contentSecurityPolicy/userAgentShadowDOM/allow-audio.html
EWS Watchlist
Comment 17
2018-05-17 19:42:36 PDT
attachment 340674
Archive of layout-test-results from ews202 for win-future The attached test failures were seen while running run-webkit-tests on the win-ews. Bot: ews202 Port: win-future Platform: CYGWIN_NT-6.1-2.9.0-0.318-5-3-x86_64-64bit
Basuke Suzuki
Comment 18
2018-05-17 20:47:34 PDT
Comment on
attachment 340625
PATCH View in context:
>> Source/WebCore/platform/network/curl/CurlRequest.cpp:148 >> setRequestPaused(false); > > Maybe these if(isCompletedOrCancelled()) should be done inside setRequestPaused
start/suspend/resume/cancel are the gateway from main thread and I think it should be guarded close to those point.
>> Source/WebCore/platform/network/curl/CurlRequest.cpp:157 >> task(*this, *client); > > Would the following work: > task(*this, makeRef(*client))
Oh nice.
>> Source/WebCore/platform/network/curl/CurlRequest.cpp:376 >> + m_handlePaused = true; > > I understand that returning CURL_WRITEFUNC_PAUSE will make curl handle be paused, right? > If so, that is why m_handlePaused is set to true, right? > setCallbackPaused(true) is the only needed to update m_isPausedCallback? > > That seems okayish but a bit difficult to understand.
I know. We internally discussed about this very hard and concluded we should send a patch to libcurl repository so that we don't need to manage the state aside with handle. Until then, we keep this ugly . Also good to put a comment here to describe our intent.
>> Source/WebCore/platform/network/curl/CurlRequest.cpp:603 >> didCompleteTransfer(m_finishedResultCode); > > If you have a lot this pattern: > if (!m_isSyncRequest) > runOnWorkerThread(WTFMove(a)) > else > a(); > Maybe it could be made as a method.
There're only two places this pattern appears. Other similar places are slightly different. I am planning to separate the class into CurlSyncRequest and CurlAsyncRequest so that I want to keep them as is.
>> Source/WebCore/platform/network/curl/CurlRequest.cpp:610 >> + LockHolder lock(m_pauseStateMutex); > > It seems that isPaused is only used in worker thread. > If m_shouldSuspend and m_isPausedOfRequest are only useful in worker thread, maybe it is just better to use runOnWorkerThreadIfRequired inside setRequestPaused/setCallbackPaused to do the actual state updates.
Let me think. Then we can remove mutex. The communication is paused by two reason. The upper layer's request by suspend/resume (and deferredLoading), and paused to wait client callback result. It is possible that the request to pause may cause no change at all (the return case in the setRequestPaused and setCallbackPaused). We can avoid sending function invocation to worker thread with current mutex implementation. I don't know how often request suspend/resume happens, but the answer may depend on that answer, how often such request happens.
>> Source/WebCore/platform/network/curl/CurlRequest.cpp:672 >> + invokeCancel(); > > Maybe you can just write: > runOnMainThread([protectedThis = WTFMove(protectedThis)]() { > protectedThis->cancel(); > }); > > You would need to make the embedding lambda mutable
MSVC hate that code. They cannot compile that. That's why we need this workaround. We are waiting their fix for a while, but still it seems we need more time.
>> Source/WebCore/platform/network/curl/CurlRequest.h:185 >> + bool m_handlePaused { false }; > > I would rename it to m_isHandlePaused. > Since you want to make sure it is only accessed in worker thread, I would tend to add r/w accessors with debug assertions in it. > That could make the model clearer.
Make sense.
Basuke Suzuki
Comment 19
2018-05-17 23:45:42 PDT
attachment 340683
EWS Watchlist
Comment 20
2018-05-18 06:43:56 PDT
Comment on
attachment 340683
Attachment 340683
did not pass win-ews (win): Output:
New failing tests: http/tests/preload/onload_event.html
EWS Watchlist
Comment 21
2018-05-18 06:44:08 PDT
attachment 340691
Archive of layout-test-results from ews204 for win-future The attached test failures were seen while running run-webkit-tests on the win-ews. Bot: ews204 Port: win-future Platform: CYGWIN_NT-6.1-2.9.0-0.318-5-3-x86_64-64bit
youenn fablet
Comment 22
2018-05-18 08:35:58 PDT
> > Maybe you can just write: > > runOnMainThread([protectedThis = WTFMove(protectedThis)]() { > > protectedThis->cancel(); > > }); > > > > You would need to make the embedding lambda mutable > > MSVC hate that code. They cannot compile that. That's why we need this > workaround. We are waiting their fix for a while, but still it seems we need > more time.
I thought the issue was about 'this' in lambda. If so, given that the above code is not making use of 'this', MSVC must be just fine.
youenn fablet
Comment 23
2018-05-18 08:40:31 PDT
Comment on
attachment 340683
Fixed r=me I am not sure using mutex is the right way of doing things. Please consider whether posting task to the background thread might not be a clearer and stronger approach. View in context:
> Source/WebCore/platform/network/curl/CurlRequest.h:188 > + bool isHandlePaused() const;
I would put these getters above, not in the middle of member definitions.
Basuke Suzuki
Comment 24
2018-05-18 10:30:29 PDT
(In reply to youenn fablet from
comment #22
> > > Maybe you can just write: > > > runOnMainThread([protectedThis = WTFMove(protectedThis)]() { > > > protectedThis->cancel(); > > > }); > > > > > > You would need to make the embedding lambda mutable > > > > MSVC hate that code. They cannot compile that. That's why we need this > > workaround. We are waiting their fix for a while, but still it seems we need > > more time. > > I thought the issue was about 'this' in lambda. > If so, given that the above code is not making use of 'this', MSVC must be > just fine.
Unfortunately no. Even this simpler method cannot be compiled: void CurlRequest::hello() { auto externalTask = [protectedThis = makeRef(*this)]() { auto inernalTask = [protectedThat = makeRef(*protectedThis)]() { protectedThat->cancel(); }; }; } d:\src\a.cpp(652): error C2100: illegal indirection [D:\WebCore.vcxproj] d:\src\a.cpp(652): error C2119: 'protectedThat': the type for 'auto' can not be deduced from an empty initializer [d:\WebCore.vcxproj] d:\src\a.cpp(653): error C2227: left of '->cancel' must point to class/s truct/union/generic type [d:\\WebCore.vcxproj]
Basuke Suzuki
Comment 25
2018-05-18 10:48:02 PDT
attachment 340713
PATCH youenn, thanks for r+!
WebKit Commit Bot
Comment 26
2018-05-18 11:28:45 PDT
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attachment 340713
PATCH Clearing flags on attachment: 340713 Committed
: <
WebKit Commit Bot
Comment 27
2018-05-18 11:28:46 PDT
All reviewed patches have been landed. Closing bug.
Radar WebKit Bug Importer
Comment 28
2018-05-18 11:31:05 PDT
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