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TouchMove event contains incorrect clientX / clientY after window scroll
TouchMove event contains incorrect clientX / clientY after window scroll
2018-01-22 14:36:32 PST
attachment 331965
Logs After a window scroll, the first subsequent touch move event has incorrect clientX / clientY values. This is fixed on the next touchmove event. This occurs frequently, but not every time. It looks like around 10% of the time.
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2018-01-22 14:36 PST
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Comment 1
2018-01-22 14:38:11 PST
This seems related to
but it might be a seperate issue. I can confirm the issue still occurs: - when the events are bound in different orders - regardless of whether it is bound in the capture phase - regardless of whether the touchmove handler is passive or not
Comment 2
2018-01-22 15:57:56 PST
It looks like multiple post scroll touchmove events can contain incorrect values
Simon Fraser (smfr)
Comment 3
2018-01-22 17:24:26 PST
Can you make a small test case?
Comment 4
2018-01-22 18:46:51 PST
I have put one together:
It is fairly crude but shows the issue. Press on the drag handle and move it around. You will see that it goes up on the page on Safari + iOS11 because the clientY is getting smaller after each scroll - it is being incorrectly impacted by the window scroll. The drag handle stays in the same place in other browsers which have the correct clientX / clientY after a scroll.
Comment 5
2018-01-22 19:27:55 PST
I have tested it on latest Chrome on Android and the drag handle stays in the same place (the clientX and clientY are updated correctly)
Comment 6
2018-01-24 13:15:56 PST
Please let me know if there is any more information you need. It would be great to see this fixed! 😊
Comment 7
2018-02-21 13:37:53 PST
Any update on this one?
Toby Zerner
Comment 8
2019-10-29 18:11:17 PDT
Would love to see this fixed as there's not really a nice workaround. For now I've got this at the start of my touchmove event handler: let cancelNextMoveEvent = true; document.addEventListener('touchmove', function() { if (cancelNextMoveEvent) { cancelNextMoveEvent = false; return; } cancelNextMoveEvent = true; // my handler code }, { passive: false }); This means my handler will only be run on every second touchmove event, which seems to do the trick for the most part - but sometimes I do still get incorrect clientY values.
Jack Doyle
Comment 9
2022-03-02 16:22:38 PST
Any update on this? On latest iOS Safari I'm still getting this behavior quite regularly, especially if I move my finger quickly. The clientX/clientY can be WAY off (hundreds of pixels).
Jack Doyle
Comment 10
2022-03-03 21:31:35 PST
Another minimal test case:
Radar WebKit Bug Importer
Comment 11
2022-03-30 17:25:15 PDT
neil girardi
Comment 12
2022-12-28 06:56:19 PST
Is anyone taking action on this? It appears this issue has been open for four years. Thank you and Happy Holidays.
Jack Doyle
Comment 13
2022-12-28 14:07:07 PST
Yeah, this seems like a pretty major problem to leave unresolved for almost 5 years. Any updates?
Cassie Evans
Comment 14
2023-02-23 05:47:27 PST
Bumping. It would be amazing to get this fixed. 💜
Abrar Rahman Protyasha
Comment 15
2023-04-13 15:20:10 PDT
Hi all. I'm looking at this bug report and wanted to revive the conversation a little bit. My impression is that programmatic scrolling isn't synchronized with touch event location (client X/Y)? Here's a distilled test case:
. Let me know if I'm mischaracterizing (or not capturing at all) the bug.
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