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<img> decode single frame h264 and hevc slower than jpg
<img> decode single frame h264 and hevc slower than jpg
Colin Bendell
2017-12-20 07:01:36 PST
Comparing the decode time of a single frame h264 or hevc compared to jpg is much slower compared to jpg.
When testing locally (network transfer near 0) I get the following results while measuring the image.decode time on High Sierra with TP45: JPG Decode: 7 ms h264 Decode: 54 ms hevc Decode: 47 ms This is from a looping test of 10 iterations selecting the median result. The results are generally consistent that jpg decode is faster than h264/hevc single frame.
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Jer Noble
Comment 1
2017-12-21 08:25:03 PST
There is probably more overhead in bringing up an instance of a VTDecompressionSession (and the hardware decoder) for only a single frame of decode than there would be for an equivalent decode of a JPEG. We could look into doing a software-based decode if there's only a single frame and see if that fixes the issue. There's also the issue where a single-frame MP4-backed <img> will "loop". I wonder if that's causing an issue as well.
Colin Bendell
Comment 2
2017-12-21 10:04:53 PST
the repaint issue on single frame loops (
Bug 180472
) may be causing a measurement issue here. I'm performing the timing inside the decode() promise execution. If the promise is being delayed by a frame because of the constnat repaint, it might be skewing my timing results. (Would be nice to have a better way to measure image and video decode timings)
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