NEW 172430
Collapse bug comments attributed to obsolete attachments
Summary Collapse bug comments attributed to obsolete attachments
Sam Weinig
Reported 2017-05-21 13:26:23 PDT
Now that there is a way to collapse comments on (temporarily by hitting the [-] link or persistently by adding a tag that corresponds to a set in the preferences, "obsolete" works in our install), I think it would aid bug readability if we defaulted to collapsing comments associated with an attachment that has been marked obsolete (by adding the tag "obsolete" to the comment). Often, as you preparing a patch, many iterations with EWS bots are required, and each one can produce quite a bit of noise in the comments. I really think this would improve things. For an example of what this might look like, see where I manually added the tags to comments related to obsolete attachments. It's not perfect, for example, I would collapsed comments to take up less space and perhaps merge together when in sequence, but it does make the important information easier to observe.
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