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[WinCairo] ASSERTION FAILED: !m_resource->errorOccurred()
[WinCairo] ASSERTION FAILED: !m_resource->errorOccurred()
Fujii Hironori
2017-05-11 22:17:30 PDT
I see the following assertion faiure while loading
> ASSERTION FAILED: !m_resource->errorOccurred() > C:\webkit\ga\Source\WebCore\loader\SubresourceLoader.cpp(395) : WebCore::SubresourceLoader::didReceiveDataOrBuffer
> WTF.dll!WTFCrash() Line 292 C++ > WebKit.dll!WebCore::SubresourceLoader::didReceiveDataOrBuffer(const char * data, int length, WTF::RefPtr<WebCore::SharedBuffer> && buffer, __int64 encodedDataLength, WebCore::DataPayloadType dataPayloadType) Line 395 C++ > WebKit.dll!WebCore::SubresourceLoader::didReceiveData(const char * data, unsigned int length, __int64 encodedDataLength, WebCore::DataPayloadType dataPayloadType) Line 373 C++ > WebKit.dll!WebCore::ResourceLoader::didReceiveData(WebCore::ResourceHandle * __formal, const char * data, unsigned int length, int encodedDataLength) Line 644 C++ > WebKit.dll!WebCore::writeCallback(void * ptr, unsigned __int64 size, unsigned __int64 nmemb, void * data) Line 346 C++ > libcurl.dll!Curl_client_chop_write(connectdata * conn, int type, char * ptr, unsigned __int64 len) Line 436 C > libcurl.dll!readwrite_data(SessionHandle * data, connectdata * conn, SingleRequest * k, int * didwhat, bool * done) Line 742 C > libcurl.dll!Curl_readwrite(connectdata * conn, SessionHandle * data, bool * done) Line 1064 C > libcurl.dll!multi_runsingle(Curl_multi * multi, timeval now, SessionHandle * data) Line 1535 C > libcurl.dll!curl_multi_perform(void * multi_handle, int * running_handles) Line 1811 C > WebKit.dll!WebCore::ResourceHandleManager::downloadTimerCallback() Line 661 C++ > [External Code] > WebKit.dll!WebCore::Timer::fired() Line 135 C++ > WebKit.dll!WebCore::ThreadTimers::sharedTimerFiredInternal() Line 121 C++ > WebKit.dll!WebCore::ThreadTimers::setSharedTimer::__l8::<lambda>() Line 70 C++ > [External Code] > WebKit.dll!WebCore::MainThreadSharedTimer::fired() Line 53 C++ > WebKit.dll!WebCore::TimerWindowWndProc(HWND__ * hWnd, unsigned int message, unsigned __int64 wParam, __int64 lParam) Line 90 C++ > [External Code] > WebKit.dll!WebKitMessageLoop::run(HACCEL__ * hAccelTable) Line 97 C++ > MiniBrowserLib.dll!wWinMain(HINSTANCE__ * hInstance, HINSTANCE__ * hPrevInstance, wchar_t * lpstrCmdLine, int nCmdShow) Line 189 C++ > MiniBrowserLib.dll!dllLauncherEntryPoint(HINSTANCE__ * hInstance, HINSTANCE__ * hPrevInstance, wchar_t * lpstrCmdLine, int nCmdShow) Line 857 C++ > MiniBrowser.exe!wWinMain(HINSTANCE__ * hInstance, HINSTANCE__ * hPrevInstance, wchar_t * lpstrCmdLine, int nCmdShow) Line 249 C++ > [External Code]
I tested with WinCairo port, debug build, trunk@216673.
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Fujii Hironori
Comment 1
2017-05-12 03:19:39 PDT
This is the URL of the subresouce. WinCairo port can't show all GIF images fron http: at the moment (
Bug 170432
Fujii Hironori
Comment 2
2017-05-14 22:20:53 PDT
Bug 170432
has been fixed, all GIF are shown and I don't see this assertion failure.
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