build-launcher-app doesn't make a functional app
Summary build-launcher-app doesn't make a functional app
Patrick Quinn-Graham
Reported 2017-05-10 00:15:24 PDT
If I run: * build-webkit * Tools/BuildSlaveSupport/build-launcher-app The generated app doesn't launch - it is expecting to exists. Instead it puts some frameworks in Moving them to the Frameworks/10.12/ directory (and adding WebKitLegacy.framework) creates a usable nightly. Obviously most users don't have a need to create their own nightly, but it'd be nice if this script functioned correctly, or at least the same as the one that produces the nightlies. Of course I could be missing some other step (in which case, my bad! Sorry for wasting someones time reading this!)
Alexey Proskuryakov
Comment 1 2017-05-11 20:16:27 PDT
Other parts of nightly building funtionality are also checked in, and I'm pretty sure that this script is expected to work in tandem with those, not on a local build. Perhaps this can be made more clear, suggestions are welcome!
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