RESOLVED DUPLICATE of bug 215837 170168
Implement the DataTransfer constructor
Summary Implement the DataTransfer constructor
Domenic Denicola
Reported 2017-03-27 22:52:30 PDT
Spec change: Tests: This is part of a larger feature for async clipboard APIs; see discussion in But it can be implemented independently.
Comment 1 2019-12-30 01:13:39 PST
This constructor will also allow the instanciation of a FileList (it currently works on Firefox / Chromium) Without this API it's impossible to create a FileList from a File array const data = new DataTransfer() // This is not working on webkit files.forEach(file => data.items.add(file)) return data.files
Jimmy Wärting
Comment 2 2020-08-16 15:42:39 PDT
The only real usecase i see with having a DataTransfer constructor is having a way to update that damm input[type=file] with another FileList item. there is no way of getting it in safari... new ClipboardEvent('paste').clipboardData new DragEvent('drag').dataTransfer new DataTransfer()
Anne van Kesteren
Comment 4 2024-08-28 07:38:53 PDT
*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 215837 ***
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