NEW 169548
Spec change: <img ismap> coordinates should be from image edge, not border edge
Summary Spec change: <img ismap> coordinates should be from image edge, not border edge
Simon Pieters (:zcorpan)
Reported 2017-03-13 03:52:48 PDT
Demo: Expect click on border in the top-left corner to get coordinates 0,0. WebKit measures from the border edge instead. whatwg/html issue: whatwg/html change: web-platform-test: The test passes in Chromium and Gecko; fail in WebKit and Edge. Comment from Travis (Edge) > Definitely makes sense just to align with Chrome/Firefox on this...
Chris Dumez
Comment 1 2017-03-20 19:45:53 PDT
Likely the code in appendServerMapMousePosition(). Looks like link has some extra logic there: // The origin (0,0) is at the upper left of the content area, inside the // padding and border. mapPoint -= toLayoutBox(layoutObject)->contentBoxOffset();
Chris Dumez
Comment 2 2017-03-20 19:46:15 PDT
(In reply to comment #1) > Likely the code in appendServerMapMousePosition(). Looks like link has some > extra logic there: > // The origin (0,0) is at the upper left of the content area, inside the > // padding and border. > mapPoint -= toLayoutBox(layoutObject)->contentBoxOffset(); s/link/Blink
Simon Pieters (:zcorpan)
Comment 3 2017-05-22 02:27:33 PDT
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