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Web Inspector: addition test coverage for DOM breakpoints
Web Inspector: addition test coverage for DOM breakpoints
Matt Baker
2017-03-07 15:21:50 PST
We should expand DOM breakpoint test coverage to include the following: Bad protocol command input: - DOMDebugger.setDOMBreakpoint with invalid nodeId - DOMDebugger.setDOMBreakpoint with invalid type string - DOMDebugger.removeDOMBreakpoint with invalid nodeId - DOMDebugger.removeDOMBreakpoint with invalid type string Manipulate the DOM while paused: - Pause on a DOM "node-removed", then move the Node being removed while paused, then continue - Pause on a DOM "subtree-modified", then modify the subtree again while paused, then continue - Pause on a DOM "attribute-modified" for "style" attribute (this appears to have a different code path that is untested (InspectorDOMDebuggerAgent::didInvalidateStyleAttr)) Subframe breakpoints: - Breakpoint should become unresolved when subframe removed - Breakpoint should become unresolved then resolved when subframe resource reloaded - Breakpoint should become unresolved then resolved when subframe removed from the DOM and reinserted Misc: - Should pause on a DOM "subtree-modified" when removing a Node from the subtree - Should pause once if a parent has a "subtree-modified" breakpoint, a child has a "node-removed" breakpoint, and the child is removed (the node-removed breakpoint should be the expected pause reason) - A Node with all possible breakpoint types ("node-removed", "subtree-modified", "attribute-modified") - Pause on a regular breakpoint, then continue through code that would trigger a DOM breakpoint
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