NEW 167032
Web Inspector: "Show console tab" icon persists when manually switching to Console tab, doesn't do anything
Summary Web Inspector: "Show console tab" icon persists when manually switching to Co...
Blaze Burg
Reported 2017-01-13 16:54:49 PST
STEPS TO REPRODUCE: 1. Go to a tab that supports split console (eg., Storage Tab) 2. type anything in console prompt to make split console appear 3. Switch to Console Tab => The chevron icon is in the navigation bar, does nothing I think instead of deleting it outright in this case, it should point downwards when on the Console tab. Clicking it in this state should switch back to the previous tab, so it is reciprocal with clicking it in the first place. Currently the split console completely disappears from the tab where it was expanded. It would be nice to restore it in this case. If someone opens the Console tab manually, then the restore icon could be dimmed out.
Radar WebKit Bug Importer
Comment 1 2017-01-13 16:55:15 PST
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