Web Inspector: cubic-bezier editor behaves poorly for invalid inputs in component fields
Summary Web Inspector: cubic-bezier editor behaves poorly for invalid inputs in compo...
Blaze Burg
Reported 2017-01-11 10:19:01 PST
Entering anything that's not a non-negative number turns the text field value into NaN and puts NaN into the property declaration in the sidebar. In this case, I would expect it to not edit the property declaration in the rule. It should highlight the bad value in red and explain why it's invalid (perhaps with a popover when hovered/selected), allowing the user to fix it themselves or click a button to revert.
Patch (3.59 KB, patch)
2017-01-11 10:56 PST, Devin Rousso
no flags
Archive of layout-test-results from ews105 for mac-elcapitan-wk2 (537.32 KB, application/zip)
2017-01-11 20:21 PST, Build Bot
no flags
Patch (3.72 KB, patch)
2017-01-11 21:29 PST, Devin Rousso
no flags
Radar WebKit Bug Importer
Comment 1 2017-01-11 10:19:20 PST
Devin Rousso
Comment 2 2017-01-11 10:56:15 PST
Devin Rousso
Comment 3 2017-01-11 10:58:08 PST
(In reply to comment #0) > It should highlight the bad value in red and explain why it's invalid > (perhaps with a popover when hovered/selected), allowing the user to fix it > themselves or click a button to revert. I think that adding this really would be a bit too much clutter (popovers inside popovers). I think that just having the input show a number "stepper" (not sure what to call the up/down arrow for <input type="number"> elements) implies that the value should be a number.
Build Bot
Comment 4 2017-01-11 20:21:05 PST
Comment on attachment 298602 [details] Patch Attachment 298602 [details] did not pass mac-wk2-ews (mac-wk2): Output: Number of test failures exceeded the failure limit.
Build Bot
Comment 5 2017-01-11 20:21:09 PST
Created attachment 298655 [details] Archive of layout-test-results from ews105 for mac-elcapitan-wk2 The attached test failures were seen while running run-webkit-tests on the mac-wk2-ews. Bot: ews105 Port: mac-elcapitan-wk2 Platform: Mac OS X 10.11.6
Devin Rousso
Comment 6 2017-01-11 21:29:41 PST
Blaze Burg
Comment 7 2017-01-12 09:50:29 PST
Comment on attachment 298658 [details] Patch r=me
WebKit Commit Bot
Comment 8 2017-01-12 12:23:03 PST
Comment on attachment 298658 [details] Patch Clearing flags on attachment: 298658 Committed r210674: <>
WebKit Commit Bot
Comment 9 2017-01-12 12:23:08 PST
All reviewed patches have been landed. Closing bug.
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