FTL: Dumping disassembly requires that code origin is set when making polymorphic tail calls.
Summary FTL: Dumping disassembly requires that code origin is set when making polymor...
Michael Saboff
Reported 2016-12-11 22:24:10 PST
If you try to dump disassembly in code with a polymorphic tail call, you get a crash similar to: ASSERTION FAILED: codeBlock()->canGetCodeOrigin(index) /Volumes/Data/src/webkit/Source/JavaScriptCore/interpreter/CallFrame.cpp(172) : JSC::CodeOrigin JSC::ExecState::codeOrigin() 1 0x106b918fd WTFCrash 2 0x105c28eef JSC::ExecState::codeOrigin() 3 0x1068b24f3 JSC::PolymorphicCallStubRoutine::PolymorphicCallStubRoutine(JSC::MacroAssemblerCodeRef const&, JSC::VM&, JSC::JSCell const*, JSC::ExecState*, JSC::CallLinkInfo&, WTF::Vector<JSC::PolymorphicCallCase, 0ul, WTF::CrashOnOverflow, 16ul> const&, std::__1::unique_ptr<unsigned int [], std::__1::default_delete<unsigned int []> >) 4 0x1068b2916 JSC::PolymorphicCallStubRoutine::PolymorphicCallStubRoutine(JSC::MacroAssemblerCodeRef const&, JSC::VM&, JSC::JSCell const*, JSC::ExecState*, JSC::CallLinkInfo&, WTF::Vector<JSC::PolymorphicCallCase, 0ul, WTF::CrashOnOverflow, 16ul> const&, std::__1::unique_ptr<unsigned int [], std::__1::default_delete<unsigned int []> >) 5 0x106921956 JSC::linkPolymorphicCall(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::CallLinkInfo&, JSC::CallVariant) 6 0x1064e3ba8 operationLinkPolymorphicCall 7 0x2af7dcc01ada 8 0x2af7dcc0e86a 9 0x2af7dcc0e01a 10 0x1066f4185 llint_entry 11 0x1066eca4e vmEntryToJavaScript 12 0x1064d0af2 JSC::JITCode::execute(JSC::VM*, JSC::ProtoCallFrame*) 13 0x10644bc94 JSC::Interpreter::execute(JSC::ProgramExecutable*, JSC::ExecState*, JSC::JSObject*) 14 0x105cf879d JSC::evaluate(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::SourceCode const&, JSC::JSValue, WTF::NakedPtr<JSC::Exception>&) 15 0x10348c121 runWithScripts(GlobalObject*, WTF::Vector<Script, 0ul, WTF::CrashOnOverflow, 16ul> const&, WTF::String const&, bool, bool, bool) 16 0x103483f9a runJSC(JSC::VM*, CommandLine) 17 0x103482afd jscmain(int, char**) 18 0x103482a4e main 19 0x7fffbfa88255 start Segmentation fault: 11
Patch (2.77 KB, patch)
2016-12-11 22:40 PST, Michael Saboff
no flags
Michael Saboff
Comment 1 2016-12-11 22:40:47 PST
Filip Pizlo
Comment 2 2016-12-12 08:43:57 PST
Comment on attachment 296893 [details] Patch Heh. I can't remember the number of times I've hit code origin issues in tail calls.
WebKit Commit Bot
Comment 3 2016-12-12 09:11:03 PST
Comment on attachment 296893 [details] Patch Clearing flags on attachment: 296893 Committed r209708: <>
WebKit Commit Bot
Comment 4 2016-12-12 09:11:06 PST
All reviewed patches have been landed. Closing bug.
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