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[GTK] Epiphany can load and save the wrong favicon.
[GTK] Epiphany can load and save the wrong favicon.
Hussam Al-Tayeb
2016-11-23 06:28:44 PST
I am using WebKitGTK 2.15.2 and latest epiphany code from git master branch. 1) Open epiphany and three tabs each with a different website. 2) Open google.com in the third tab. 3) Open distrowatch.com in the third tab and notice that it still uses the google.com favicon. Link to downstream bug:
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Hussam Al-Tayeb
Comment 1
2016-11-23 06:35:42 PST
It basically gives all subsequent websites loaded in a tab the favicon of the first website loaded in this tab.
Hussam Al-Tayeb
Comment 2
2017-01-05 11:09:09 PST
This works in webkitgtk+ 2.14.2 so must be a regression in 2.15.2
Michael Catanzaro
Comment 3
2017-01-05 13:12:38 PST
I'm skeptical of that. The favicon database has been buggy and unreliable for as long as I remember. I can't reproduce this at all, but I did get a MissingNo-style gibberish favicon for the second tab I loaded, which is another longstanding bug. The favicon database also has significant memory leaks easily-discoverable when using valgrind or asan.
Hussam Al-Tayeb
Comment 4
2017-01-21 11:12:00 PST
They are updating correctly again 2.15.3
Michael Catanzaro
Comment 5
2017-01-22 06:35:24 PST
OK then....
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