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Web Inspector should allow live editing of JavaScript code
Web Inspector should allow live editing of JavaScript code
Gavin Sherlock
2007-12-17 09:13:44 PST
Sometimes it would be really useful when looking at a page to edit the source live in the inspector (not just the css), and have those edits reflected live on the page, with the page otherwise acting correctly as it would do served from it's origin. You can kind of do this in Firefox using Firebug, though it's flaky, and you can do this in Omniweb reasonably well. It would be great to have this functionality in Webkit's inspector.
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Alex Taylor
Comment 1
2008-02-16 02:58:23 PST
Until something is decided about this enhancement, might I suggest looking at the plug-in 'SafariStand' if you haven't already. SafariStand has a 'site alteration' feature which allows you to do live source editing.
Matt Lilek
Comment 2
2008-02-16 08:36:51 PST
(In reply to
comment #1
> Until something is decided about this enhancement, might I suggest looking at > the plug-in 'SafariStand' if you haven't already. SafariStand has a 'site > alteration' feature which allows you to do live source editing. >
From our wiki - <
>: "Extensions are completely unsupported with any version of Safari/WebKit. To provide their functionality, extensions rely on private APIs and implementation details that often change and cause the extensions to break. There have been many changes to WebKit since the currently released version and the way extensions deal with changes and errors varies greatly, with many crashing often."
Adam Roben (:aroben)
Comment 3
2008-03-13 23:20:33 PDT
Bug 17224
added support for editing text nodes and DOM attributes. You still can't insert/remove arbitrary elements easily however.
Joseph Pecoraro
Comment 4
2009-10-16 23:10:33 PDT
Bug 30337
added support for deleting elements. But inserting elements is still not implemented.
Timothy Hatcher
Comment 5
2010-03-28 10:51:31 PDT
I think this is more about editing a resource and using it instead of the server copy instead of editing the DOM.
Radar WebKit Bug Importer
Comment 6
2014-12-01 14:49:51 PST
Chris Chiera
Comment 7
2015-06-15 10:20:57 PDT
This has been possible for a long time in Chrome and Safari. This is labeled as as Status new, but assume it was simply never closed when the functionality was added.
Brian Burg
Comment 8
2015-06-15 16:32:28 PDT
This bug refers to editing of JavaScript source, which isn't supported right now. It would require significant efforts in the JSC engine and Web Inspector UI.
Comment 9
2017-11-15 10:55:12 PST
See also: #166895 ”Web Inspector: Cannot edit source code of HTTP or JS resources served via HTTP” (
), #136515 ”Web Inspector: JavaScript source text editor should have a linter“ (
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