[SOUP] Load options allowStoredCredentials = DoNotAllowStoredCredentials with clientCredentialPolicy = MayAskClientForCredentials doesn't work
Summary [SOUP] Load options allowStoredCredentials = DoNotAllowStoredCredentials with...
Carlos Garcia Campos
Reported 2016-11-07 03:07:00 PST
When DoNotAllowStoredCredentials is used we disable the SoupAuthManager feature for the message, but that disables all HTTP authentication, causing the load to always fail with Authorization required even when clientCredentialPolicy allows to ask the user for credentials. The problem is that even if we don't use the WebCore credentials for that request, libsoup will always use its internal cache of SoupAuth if we enable the SoupAuthManager feature. We need to add new API to libsoup to tell the SoupAuthManager not to use the auth cache for that particular SoupMessage.
Patch (3.51 KB, patch)
2017-01-02 03:03 PST, Carlos Garcia Campos
mcatanzaro: review+
Carlos Garcia Campos
Comment 1 2017-01-02 02:27:43 PST
This needs new API added in libsoup 2.57.1. Bug #158919 upgrades libsoup to 2.57.1.
Carlos Garcia Campos
Comment 2 2017-01-02 03:03:59 PST
Carlos Garcia Campos
Comment 3 2017-01-03 01:09:25 PST
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