NEW 164126
imported/blink/http/tests are served as file:/// URLs
Summary imported/blink/http/tests are served as file:/// URLs
youenn fablet
Reported 2016-10-28 06:21:56 PDT
imported/blink/http/tests are tests imported from blink. In Blink, they should be served through http but in WebKit they are served through file URLs.
youenn fablet
Comment 1 2016-10-28 06:23:37 PDT
Some of these tests are interesting as they are file:/// served but they try to get access to HTTP urls, for of like http/local tests I think. It is misleading to keep those tests in imported/blink as people might want to make the tests output PASS, although it may be correct (in that particular setup) to fail.
Dean Jackson
Comment 2 2016-10-28 13:40:18 PDT
Once you've moved them, please remove the TestExpectations to skip the CORS/Shapes test.
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