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target="_top" in embedded SVG fails to replace parent content
target="_top" in embedded SVG fails to replace parent content
Eric Seidel (no email)
2007-12-03 03:22:55 PST
target="_top" in embedded SVG fails to replace parent content I'm not sure if this is an SVG issue or a more general link/object issue.
Shows how the test authors expected target="_top" to work.
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Eric Seidel (no email)
Comment 1
2007-12-04 13:53:15 PST
This seems to be an IE thing:
Eric Seidel (no email)
Comment 2
2007-12-04 13:53:38 PST
Frame* FrameTree::find(const AtomicString& name) const seems to correctly check for _top however.
Eric Seidel (no email)
Comment 3
2007-12-04 18:42:20 PST
Ok. Our problem here is in SVGAElement::defaultEventHandler: String target = getAttribute(SVGNames::targetAttr); String xlinktarget = getAttribute(XLinkNames::showAttr); if (e && e->button() == MiddleButton) target = "_blank"; else if (target.isEmpty()) // if target is empty, default to "_self" or use xlink:target if set target = (xlinktarget == "new") ? "_blank" : "_self"; That might be the correct behavior for xlink:show, but that's not right for :target, which should behave like html's :target attribute and correctly support _top, etc.
Eric Seidel (no email)
Comment 4
2007-12-15 03:03:19 PST
This will be really easy to fix if we just make a test of all the various xlink:show, xlink:target and null:target values.
Rob Buis
Comment 5
2012-06-09 16:06:02 PDT
The target="_top" part of this test seems to work fine these days.
Eric Seidel (no email)
Comment 6
2012-06-20 06:07:10 PDT
Yes, I would be shocked if this didn't work today.
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