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Garbled text when text is scanned into a WebKit text field with a Bluetooth scanner
Garbled text when text is scanned into a WebKit text field with a Bluetooth s...
Jyrki De Neve
2016-08-31 07:36:05 PDT
attachment 287512
First one is how it should look like, the second one is how it looks like On an iPad Mini 4 (iOS 9.3.5) and iPhone SE (iOS 10 latest beta - build 14A5346a), there are some issues with a bluetooth scanner, that we use as input. You can see it more in detail in the attached image. Normally should return some number, but for some reason, since they both updated, the scanner returns those characters. I first wanted to submit a ticket for Apple, but it works perfectly when you for example scan inside the address bar in Safari, but it breaks in a input field in any website and also in the Youtube app on iOS. As bluetooth scanner we use this one:
, but we also have it with all our other scanners. Steps to reproduce: 1) Pair a bluetooth scanner 2) Open Safari 3) Go to
and open the search field 4) Scan a barcode and see the result It works fine on iPhone SE in iOS 9.3.5 and on iPad Mini 2 with iOS 9.3.5 and the latest iOS beta.
First one is how it should look like, the second one is how it looks like
(56.02 KB, image/jpeg)
2016-08-31 07:36 PDT
Jyrki De Neve
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